Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

Comprehensive Forum of Canadian Armed Forces History & Militaria

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    Nothing FAncy This Week.


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    Age : 52
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    Nothing FAncy This Week. Empty Nothing FAncy This Week.

    Post by jholl72 Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:49 pm

    Hey guys,
    My little purchase from today, a nice group of 4 WWII medals. Bought them from the grandson, who has no idea what his grandad did in the war. He also has his uniform and some souvenirs that he is trying to find and hopefully I can land those also.
    Obviously someone messed up he ribbons and the France Germany star is missing so far.

    Nothing FAncy This Week. 002_la10


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    Nothing FAncy This Week. Empty Re: Nothing FAncy This Week.

    Post by mk1rceme Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:09 pm

    Awesome! The price of Silver is going up, up, up...can't go wrong with these.

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    Nothing FAncy This Week. Empty Re: Nothing FAncy This Week.

    Post by pylon1357 Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:01 am

    Hey Jeff, maybe there is hope for you yet as a medals collector. LOL

    I noted the Overseas clasp is missing for the CVSM.

    As you noted, the Defense Medal has the France and Germany Star ribbon on it, and the Star is not present. Also the 1939-45 Star has the Defense Medal ribbon on it. SO if and when the France and Germany star is located, it should have the 1939-45 Star ribbon on it.

    All in all interesting. I wish you luck that the fellow finds the other pieces. Would be nice to have a grouping (medals, uniform etc)

    I have not managed anything new to the collection other than the Sumner Grouping I posted when I was still home.


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    Location : Near Camp X

    Nothing FAncy This Week. Empty Re: Nothing FAncy This Week.

    Post by Enfield Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:03 am


    Posts : 949
    Join date : 2009-11-24
    Age : 52
    Location : Ontario, Canada

    Nothing FAncy This Week. Empty Re: Nothing FAncy This Week.

    Post by jholl72 Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:54 pm

    Hey guys,
    Yeah, they are nice and I might become a medal collector yet Cliff!LOL! My prize will be the uniform, if it turns up. He says his dad has the other stuff in storage at his house and when he gets his spring cleaning done he will let me know what they have so we can work a deal. I'm hoping the cash I gave him yesterday will hurry the process up a little bit.
    I have switched the ribbons around and they are waiting patiently to be reunited with thier brother.


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