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2 posters

    collecting follies???

    Global Moderator

    Posts : 1351
    Join date : 2009-11-24
    Location : Resting on my laurels in Ottawa

    collecting follies??? Empty collecting follies???

    Post by pylon1357 Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:27 am

    I wasn't sure where to post this so I thought here was as good a place as any.

    As many of you know, I have been, off the grid, so to speak in regards to collecting over the past 19 months. I have only been able to attend 3 shows in that time. The latest was on the 27th August in Peterborough.

    I was surprised to see a complete lack of WWII battledress at the show. Maybe I had blinders on but, good lord I didn't see a single one. As well I noted a lack of P-37 Web gear as well. I suppose the stockpiles of gear have finally dried up. Thankfully I have pretty much all the webbing I need.

    I had some time on a quick side trip to Oshawa so I thought, heck, stop into a couple of antique shops in Orono, see what they have. Usually there is something there. Nope nada, just a post war Air force greatcoat priced to sell at 110.00.

    Went to another shop, hit and miss there with militaria but low and behold, a pair of World War One medals, looked like they had been worn in the field for the duration of World War Two, price, $250.00, honestly, I never bothered to look at the naming. Also in the same cabinet,there was a group of 3 WWII medals, 39-45 Star, war medal snd CVSM w/o clasp, price was 195.00. There was a CLC 1942 dated helmet as well in another stall, condition was quite good but the chin strap was broken and the liner string was missing, liner starting to dry out as well, asking price was more reasonable at 66.00.

    Flash forward a couple days, I hear about a WWII dated BD tunic to the RCAMC at a shop for 145.00. I figure hey great, its a little out of the way on my return trip but I will go see it with full intention of picking it up. I emailed the shop, explaining I was more than interested in the BD and that I would be by in the late afternoon on Tuesday. NO REPLY from the shop. I find out a little later in the day, keep in mind, I am still at this point going to swing by the place, that the shop put the damned BD on ebay after two of us expressed an interest in it. Never did they reply to my email or the other fellows. I anit even going bother bidding on the BD.

    Have been unable to find a Bren tripod with or without the AA arm at even a remotely reasonable price. The last one I saw had so much repaint on it that it damn near doubled its weight. asking price was 600.00 without the AA arm.

    I have noticed a huge jump in prices for WWI medal pairs, what used to be well under 100.00 is now upwards of 150.00.

    Other that Jeff here, is anyone else experiencing the same things I am??

    I look forward to hearing others comments on this trend I have noticed lately.


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    Posts : 2215
    Join date : 2009-11-22
    Age : 53
    Location : Alberta, Canada

    collecting follies??? Empty Re: collecting follies???

    Post by mk1rceme Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:20 pm

    Oh yeah, big time around here. There is actually still plenty of militaria in the shops around here but the prices are so absurd now that it seems like a waste of time looking. I do find the odd small obscure item at a decent price once in a blue moon.


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