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    How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record.


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    How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record. Empty How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record.

    Post by lorne19 Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:41 pm

    I have a friend who had a great uncle who served with the Royal 22 during World War 2 and he would like to get a copy of his service record. I've done this with world war 1 service records, but it seems that a WW2 file has a different procedure for getting a copy. If anyone could walk me through the basics of the procedure it would be much appreciated.
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    How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record. Empty Re: How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record.

    Post by pylon1357 Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:19 pm

    check out this link to the section at the National Library and Archives Canada. It will explain the process and restrictions much better that I can.

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    How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record. Empty Re: How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record.

    Post by mk1rceme Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:23 pm

    It shouldn't be a problem if your a direct descendant. There is a twenty year moratorium on full records from the date the veteran passed away...within the twenty year time frame, only partial records will be sent to you.

    When I did it, I had to prove the relationship with the vet. This can be done with a family tree of some kind. Also had to copy Gramps death certificate and send it with the application.

    It takes a long time to get the records too. For me it was almost 5 months.

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    How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record. Empty Re: How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record.

    Post by Cameraguy Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:14 pm

    Two months for me. Thee were very helpful there...
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    How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record. Empty Re: How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record.

    Post by pylon1357 Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:38 pm

    2 months?? really?? I have been waiting over 6 months for a set of records I ordered. I have to pick up my new pass this week and try again. I do not even recall getting confirmation they recieved my request. hey have really cut back on staff and everything seems to have got to sh#$.

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    How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record. Empty Re: How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record.

    Post by Cameraguy Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:06 pm

    That's a shame,because they are doing good work there.Unfortunately,it seems our history is on the extreme back burner of our officials these days.funding is the hardest part of my Veterans Voices of Canada organization. Seems like many of them want to pass the buck as far as the category of my organization,therefore not help fund.
    Anyhoo,be patient...the paperwork is worth it.
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    How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record. Empty Re: How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record.

    Post by pylon1357 Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:45 pm

    There have been many many changes at the National Library and Archives Canada. NONE of them are good in my opinion. Seems you cannot even walk across the hall from the consultation room to the reference room to ask a question with first having an appointment.

    Thankfully I know my way around there enough that I can usually figure out where to find whatever materials I am atfer. For on-site consultation of service records, there was a time you could order the files before 0900 and have them that afternoon in most cases. Now it seems it is almost a week?? (According to what I was reading on the site) Just insane, as when I was working on the information on my website, they were the most helpful people on the planet.

    I am the type of person who gives credit where credit is due, I will also not hesitate to raize the roof when needed. I really do not like the changes over there at all.

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    How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record. Empty Re: How do you get a copy of a WW2 service record.

    Post by lorne19 Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:01 pm

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction guys.

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