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    National Resources Mobilization Act - Casualty

    RCN Sailor
    RCN Sailor

    Posts : 62
    Join date : 2009-11-28

    National Resources Mobilization Act - Casualty Empty National Resources Mobilization Act - Casualty

    Post by RCN Sailor Tue May 21, 2013 6:47 pm

    I have recently added a memorial cross group to my collection consisting of the 1939-45 Star, the France & Germany Star, the 1939-45 War Medal and a GVI memorial cross - no CVSM because this man was an NRMA soldier.

    His records indicate he landed in the UK late Jan 1945 was sent 8 CITR and the next day to 7 CITR. He landed in NWE on 24 Mar, then to the HLI on 28 Mar 1945, wounded 31 Mar and died of his wounds on 22 Apr 1945. I wonder if anyone here might have the history of the HLI in WW2 and would look up their situation on 31 March 1945?

    Also what was 7 CITR or 8 CITR???

    Thanks Ed

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