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    How do I find information using a soldier's service number?

    501 medic
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    How do I find information using a soldier's service number? Empty How do I find information using a soldier's service number?

    Post by 501 medic Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:18 pm

    I recently picked up a helmet and did not take out the liner until just now. I found a service number hand written inside the helmet. Its "L550514". Can any direct me to an online website to find out more information about this soldier? I am not a relative so I don't think I can get his service records mailed to me. I was hoping there might be some other way to locate or at least figure out his name and other information. Thanks for the help!
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    How do I find information using a soldier's service number? Empty Re: How do I find information using a soldier's service number?

    Post by pylon1357 Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:39 pm

    Contact the LAC with what you have and they will likely give you a name to go with the Regimental Number. I have made requests like this 4 or 5 times in the past and always had a positive reply.


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    RCN Sailor
    RCN Sailor

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    How do I find information using a soldier's service number? Empty Re: How do I find information using a soldier's service number?

    Post by RCN Sailor Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:47 pm

    There is no on line site to obtain information about WW2 soldiers with only a service number.

    You may want to cocntact LAC and request a service file but it will cost you. You will have to pay for the request ($5) plus the cost of photo-copying and mailing plus appropriate taxes.


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    How do I find information using a soldier's service number? Empty Re: How do I find information using a soldier's service number?

    Post by Bill Sun Jun 09, 2013 5:46 am

    There is Clive Law's Regimental Numbers of the Canadian Army 1936-1960, which lists the numbers alloted to various units. The L and six numbers indicate he was in the reserve army from Saskatchewan.

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    How do I find information using a soldier's service number? Empty Re: How do I find information using a soldier's service number?

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