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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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    Winnipeg Grenadiers and Royal Rifles of Canada and Newfoundland Regiment

    Global Moderator

    Posts : 1351
    Join date : 2009-11-24
    Location : Resting on my laurels in Ottawa

    Winnipeg Grenadiers and Royal Rifles of Canada and Newfoundland Regiment Empty Winnipeg Grenadiers and Royal Rifles of Canada and Newfoundland Regiment

    Post by pylon1357 Wed May 07, 2014 12:49 pm

    Well, I fianlly made a little progress in my Canadian WWII Badges and metal insignia collection over the last few weeks.

    I picked up two sets of metal titles I was missing for what seems like forever.

    First I picked up the Winnipeg Grenadiers metal titles about a month ago, I finally got off my butt and placed them in the display card.

    Last night I obtained the second RRC title I needed to complete my Royal Rifles of Canada display card. I picked up the first singleton at the Ottawa show the weekend before last.

    Since I had to remove my Newfoundland Regiment display to photograph the cap badge (to verify authenticity as a discussion elsewhere had me a little concerned) all three display cards were in the same 16X20 inch display. I added the titles so as to not lose the bloody things. LOL

    so here are the completed displays and the Newfoundland Regiment display (missing the titles)

    Winnipeg Grenadiers and Royal Rifles of Canada and Newfoundland Regiment Winnip10
    Winnipeg Grenadiers and Royal Rifles of Canada and Newfoundland Regiment Royal_10
    Winnipeg Grenadiers and Royal Rifles of Canada and Newfoundland Regiment Newfou10

    and close ups of the Newfoundland Regiment Cap Badge.

    Winnipeg Grenadiers and Royal Rifles of Canada and Newfoundland Regiment Newfie10
    Winnipeg Grenadiers and Royal Rifles of Canada and Newfoundland Regiment Newfie11


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