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    suggestions for how to display/store rank slides

    Global Moderator

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    Location : Resting on my laurels in Ottawa

    suggestions for how to display/store rank slides Empty suggestions for how to display/store rank slides

    Post by pylon1357 Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:08 pm

    Once again, I find myself blankly trying to figure out a easy (read economical) solution to storing my rank slides so that at a quick glance I see what the heck I have and what I am missing.

    I have quite a few overall but am likely missing almost as many as I have. Honestly it is hard to tell as they are stored in a box that is full. Every time I take them out to start sorting them, I get sidetracked or something come up and I have to scoop them up and put them back into the box, only to have to restart the sorting all over again. I am up to 4 false starts in the past weekend.

    I thought about using the Mylar sheets like the ones for hockey card collectors, butt it seems the pockets are just a touch too small. I took with me a combat LOG slide as a guide. I don't really care for the idea of stapling them onto cards either.

    Any suggestions for what you guys go would be most appreciated.


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    Ian B
    Ian B

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    Location : PEI

    suggestions for how to display/store rank slides Empty Suggestion for Slip-On storage

    Post by Ian B Sat Feb 07, 2015 2:09 pm

    Good day Cliff,

    I used this method when I first organized my badges, but before I had enough Riker mounts to display. Now, I don't know if these are still available in stores, but I used the disposable, plastic bags used for baby bottles, like the "Platex" brand. Laying flat, they are wide enough to take a standard 3" x 5" filing card. You just have to snip a little off the open end to square it up, slip in the card and then the rank slip-on, fold over the open end of the bag and then tape or staple the end shut. You should have enough room to do that without damaging the slip-on.

    When I first started doing this method, the bags were clear. However, later Platex starting printing on one side a volume scale and trade mark. I just ensured that the printing was on the back of package and not visible.

    Once this is done, select a suitable box to hold and organize the packages, standing them either upright or on one side.

    As I said, don't know if these bags are still available, but they weren't all that expensive. And a pack of file cards at a stationary store won't break the bank either.

    Hope this helps in some way. Stay safe and have fun!


    Ian B
    Ian B

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    Location : PEI

    suggestions for how to display/store rank slides Empty Pictures

    Post by Ian B Sun Feb 08, 2015 1:45 pm


    Here are pics to show you what I mean:

    1. Generic, plain bag with end cut off.

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    2. Platex brand bag.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    3. Box of 50.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    4. 3 x 5 file card inserted.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    5. Cutting off end.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    6. Epaulette slip-on inserted.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    7. Securing open end.

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    Realize that you may be looking for some way to DISPLAY. However, until you find a way, I hope this system allows you to organize your slip-ons instead of a jumble in a box.


    Posts : 58
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    Location : Mount Uniacke, Nova Scotia

    suggestions for how to display/store rank slides Empty Re: suggestions for how to display/store rank slides

    Post by sixxpackjack Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:59 am

    What about a map cabinet? Too big? My brother in Carleton Place was looking to get rid of one last fall. He might still have it. Combine that with the bottle bags and it would store and sort well.
    Global Moderator

    Posts : 1351
    Join date : 2009-11-24
    Location : Resting on my laurels in Ottawa

    suggestions for how to display/store rank slides Empty Re: suggestions for how to display/store rank slides

    Post by pylon1357 Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:14 am

    Todd, I may have a use for that map cabinet. I live close fairly close to Carlton Place, I drive through it every time I heading to my dads place.

    I like the baby bottle liner idea, I could maybe set them against cardboard and put that into my books until I get everything sorted.


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    Ian B
    Ian B

    Posts : 272
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    Location : PEI

    suggestions for how to display/store rank slides Empty Re: suggestions for how to display/store rank slides

    Post by Ian B Tue Feb 10, 2015 4:28 pm

    Cliff, glad you like the idea. As I said, it won't break the bank; and your only limit is your imagination on how to organize.

    Stay safe and have fun!


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