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5 posters

    East Coast Snowpocalypse

    Ian B
    Ian B

    Posts : 272
    Join date : 2013-09-10
    Location : PEI

    East Coast Snowpocalypse Empty East Coast Snowpocalypse

    Post by Ian B Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:24 am

    Good day all,

    Just chillin' at home, waiting to dig out from yesterday's weather "event" here on the East Coast! Thought I'd share a few pics I took this AM. Hope everyone anywhere in the True North, Strong and Free is safe, snug and in good spirits.

    Stay safe and have fun!!



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    Back Deck

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    East Coast Snowpocalypse Empty Re: East Coast Snowpocalypse

    Post by Jonhno Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:05 am

    tank have to start driving a tank in the winter, that's alot of snow to deal with, good luck ! am sure the emergency services are still open, i.e. Tim Horton's, McDonalds just incase

    Posts : 949
    Join date : 2009-11-24
    Age : 52
    Location : Ontario, Canada

    East Coast Snowpocalypse Empty Re: East Coast Snowpocalypse

    Post by jholl72 Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:18 am

    I live in the sunny south....southern Ontario in the banana belt....haven't had to deal with that much snow since I moved here. Its colder than snot here but not a ton of snow.
    Hopefully you have a snow blower, stay safe and warm!!

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    Location : Resting on my laurels in Ottawa

    East Coast Snowpocalypse Empty Re: East Coast Snowpocalypse

    Post by pylon1357 Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:22 am

    Well I have to say this, I think I would rather your snow than my -27 every bloody day. I work over nights and with a wind chill of -42 last night, I damned near quit my job.

    I have to wonder.... global warming?? Liars. LOL


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    Ian B
    Ian B

    Posts : 272
    Join date : 2013-09-10
    Location : PEI

    East Coast Snowpocalypse Empty Conditions

    Post by Ian B Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:31 am

    Well, no plows along the road out front as of 1:00 PM, so I couldn't get to Tim's to save my life.  And, unfortunately, my snowblower kacked out on me two weeks ago after the last round of storms.  It's in the shop now, and hopefully won't take too much to put it right.  Which means, borrowing the neighbor's machine...AFTER he gets his place cleaned out.  Which means, a lot of the grunt work will have to be done by hand (and yes, I know where "Sympathy" comes in the dictionary. LOL!!).

    One thing the Army taught me was that if you're dressed right, you can go out and survive in any type of weather. -27 with a wind chill doesn't bother me, it's trying to figure out WHERE I'm going to put it all! It's getting harder to throw the snow over the six foot banks I have around my driveway.

    But, .... that's winter in the Maritimes!

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    Location : Resting on my laurels in Ottawa

    East Coast Snowpocalypse Empty Re: East Coast Snowpocalypse

    Post by pylon1357 Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:41 am

    Ian, I feel for you, Honestly I know what shoveling like that is like. I live in the country. We moved from a sheltered place to one that is wide open. I have snow drifts across the the lane where even in 4 wheel low, I have to run the drift a couple times to get through. One of these days, I am bound to get stuck.

    I have a guy who comes by and plows the lane but I also have to maintain it with my snow blower, if poops out on me.... FLORIDA here I come.


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    Location : Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    East Coast Snowpocalypse Empty Re: East Coast Snowpocalypse

    Post by qsamike Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:24 pm

    Thinking that we would have a winter like you are having, as we did last year again this year......

    I knew there was a reason that I bought that surplus Sherman ........ tank

    And yet we have had the best and warmest winter we have had in 30 years......

    But then again our snowiest months are middle of February to middle of April......

    Wish you luck......


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