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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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2 posters

    WW2 1942 pattern Canadian Walking out uniform....

    New Member

    Posts : 22
    Join date : 2013-07-22
    Age : 43
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    WW2 1942 pattern Canadian Walking out uniform.... Empty WW2 1942 pattern Canadian Walking out uniform....

    Post by Darktrooper Thu May 07, 2015 3:26 am

    This uniform is somewhat of an enigma for me.

    I've seen a couple pictures of some they seem to be rare as hens teeth, but What exactly is it????

    Was it a direct copy of the USMC green service uniform?

    Posts : 965
    Join date : 2012-06-03

    WW2 1942 pattern Canadian Walking out uniform.... Empty Service Dress

    Post by edstorey Thu May 07, 2015 4:38 am

    There was no image attached to your post, but the uniform in question is the WWII version of Service Dress. It is not a copy of the USMC uniform and was only worn in Canada. Not everyone was issued this uniform so it is not as well known as BD.

      Current date/time is Fri Nov 08, 2024 6:58 am