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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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    Seeking Advice - Likely Sources to Find a WWII era 4PLDG Shoulder Title (non-metal) (family connection)

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    Join date : 2022-11-26

    Seeking Advice - Likely Sources to Find a WWII era 4PLDG Shoulder Title (non-metal) (family connection) Empty Seeking Advice - Likely Sources to Find a WWII era 4PLDG Shoulder Title (non-metal) (family connection)

    Post by clasticity Sat Nov 26, 2022 3:41 pm


    Sincerest apologies if this post is offside.  I am the great-niece of a soldier who served with the 4th Princess Louise Dragoon Guards and died of wounds at the Hitler Line on May 19, 1944.

    I am putting together a commemorative display concerning both my grandfather (5CAR - 8th New Brunswick Hussars) and my great-uncle (4PLDG.)  I have obtained all items I am looking for, other than a 4PLDG shoulder title in cloth, melton or canvas (non-metal.)

    I am hoping that the experts in this forum might point me to sellers/sources where I might have success finding the item, either now or in the future.

    Thank you very much, and again my apologies if this type of post isn't permitted.

      Current date/time is Thu Jan 16, 2025 8:11 am