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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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3 posters

    WANTED - RCAF Summer shirt, Enlisted Men

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    WANTED - RCAF Summer shirt, Enlisted Men Empty WANTED - RCAF Summer shirt, Enlisted Men

    Post by rcafcollector Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:02 pm

    I'm looking for an original WW2 RCAF summer issue, enlisted man's shirt to complete my father's summer uniform. If you can point me in the direction of this item, I'd very much appreciate it.


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    Age : 53
    Location : Alberta, Canada

    WANTED - RCAF Summer shirt, Enlisted Men Empty Re: WANTED - RCAF Summer shirt, Enlisted Men

    Post by mk1rceme Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:44 pm

    Can't help you with the shirt, but welcome to the forum! Good luck with your search.


    Posts : 820
    Join date : 2009-12-11

    WANTED - RCAF Summer shirt, Enlisted Men Empty Re: WANTED - RCAF Summer shirt, Enlisted Men

    Post by Infanteer Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:39 pm

    Can you give any more details on what the shirt looks like? I have several shirts that might fit the bill but I don't know what the difference between RCAF and army summer dress shirts would have been.
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    WANTED - RCAF Summer shirt, Enlisted Men Empty Picture link

    Post by rcafcollector Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:17 pm

    I would describe the shirt as a light olive green, cotton shirt. It has an attached collar. The official description is "shirt, airman, khaki drill, cotton". You can see colour of the shirt at the link below.



    Posts : 820
    Join date : 2009-12-11

    WANTED - RCAF Summer shirt, Enlisted Men Empty Re: WANTED - RCAF Summer shirt, Enlisted Men

    Post by Infanteer Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:48 am

    Ya... that still doesn't help much. Like I wrote earlier, I have a few shirts that will look the part but might not be actual RCAF issue. The army used a similar shirt and since most of my shirts don't have much in the way of markings anymore I have no idea if they are actually army or RCAF. That being said, if you want one I'm sure we can come to an agreement. Send me a PM if you are interested.

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    WANTED - RCAF Summer shirt, Enlisted Men Empty Re: WANTED - RCAF Summer shirt, Enlisted Men

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