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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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2 posters

    3 CMG? Canteen/Carrier


    Posts : 949
    Join date : 2009-11-24
    Age : 52
    Location : Ontario, Canada

    3 CMG? Canteen/Carrier Empty 3 CMG? Canteen/Carrier

    Post by jholl72 Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:45 pm

    Hey guys,
    A friend of my dad's dropped this off at the house for me. He bought it surplus back when he was a teenager to use for camping and was going to throw it out. He knows I collect so he gave it to me. The best marked canteen carrier I have come across, makers mark, dated, C broadarrow on both the harness and the strap.
    My question is on the other markings. It looks like its marked 3 CMG, 23 Canadian Machine Gun corps? Was it typical to use the CMG abbreviation versus CMGC? Anyone see it differently than I do?
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    Posts : 965
    Join date : 2012-06-03

    3 CMG? Canteen/Carrier Empty Water Bottle

    Post by edstorey Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:29 am

    The Water Bottle is WWII manufacture. These carriers were used from the Great War until the early part of WWII, so several different markings and stamps are not uncommon.

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