Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

Comprehensive Forum of Canadian Armed Forces History & Militaria

4 posters

    General Service Medal

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    Location : Resting on my laurels in Ottawa

    General Service Medal Empty General Service Medal

    Post by pylon1357 Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:17 pm

    Ok,need some advice here guys. I think I know the answer but thought I would ask anyway. I will try to keep this short.

    I received the General Service Medal for my time in KAF. I also qualified for a few tour bars (are now in the mail to me), which has prompted the following....

    My GSM is an older issue with the ISAF bar, the later ones were issued without the bar due to changes in the medal award. The same applies to the General Campaign Star.

    Originally, the medal and star were designed to have theater specific bars. This idea had no allowances for multiple tours. With this concern in mind, changes were made to allow bars for multiple tours and a the use of a Theater specific ribbon.

    Now, as I have a medal issued with the original ISAF bar, I must remove the bar. This is where I get into trouble... As a collector, I like the look of the ISAF bar on the ribbon, although no longer correct, it was at time of issue.
    BUT as I have to wear this medal every so often, I feel I should wear it correctly.

    Should I suck it up and remove the dang ISAF bar and install my tour bars, or should I get a replacement and add the bars to it??

    I have lost my GSM twice, and almost got a replacement.

    I would like input from you guys, especially the current and past members of the CF. Please understand, I am not, nor have I ever served in the CF.


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    Posts : 965
    Join date : 2012-06-03

    General Service Medal Empty GSM

    Post by edstorey Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:40 pm

    Cliff, you are a civilian, you earned the medal; what will anyone do if you wear the old style - take away your birthday? If you were in the CF it would matter.

    Whatever you decide, wear it with pride!


    Posts : 820
    Join date : 2009-12-11

    General Service Medal Empty Re: General Service Medal

    Post by Infanteer Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:55 pm

    I suspect that if you wear the medal with the ISAF bar that you might hear about it from others at the events that you attend. Having to explain your situation my prove to be more of an annoyance then anything else. Like Ed said, do what you want if that's how it was presented to you. I too liked the ISAF bar but I also like wearing my tour bar that shows my multiple tours... I guess you just need to decide what is more important to you.
    In Memoriam

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    Join date : 2009-11-25

    General Service Medal Empty Re: General Service Medal

    Post by servicepub Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:04 pm

    I have a number of medals - all earned as a civilian. I also have to wear these 6-8 times a year and decided a long time ago to respect the 'rules' of the Canadian honours system.
    My suggestion is to keep the original (or government replacement) with the original ISAF clasp and frame them, or set them aside together. This would respect your collector side. Then buy a quality reproduction (Joe Drouin has these) and mount it with the rotation bars for wear on appropriate occasions.
    Regardless of your final decision, the medal is yours to wear with pride. Well done!


    Please post a picture of either/both

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