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    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era?

    Global Moderator

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    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Empty Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era?

    Post by pylon1357 Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:26 am

    Well it seems odd for me to post these up like this, but I was going through a bunch of odds and ends and came across the following items. Most of it is of little or no interest to me, and it certainly begs the question, where did I get this and why??

    It is all quite a mix, covering Army, Navy and Air Force. I think the Eagle patches are Air Cadets owing to the colour, white on black?

    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Hodge_10

    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Hodge_11

    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Hodge_12

    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Hodge_13


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    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Empty Re: Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era?

    Post by Bill Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:19 pm

    Hi Cliff, If I understand your post, these are for trade/sale?
    I would be interested in the combat parachute qualification wing and the Genie du Material Terrestre/Canada.
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    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Empty Re: Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era?

    Post by pylon1357 Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:35 am

    Hello Bill, for you, certainly. I will bring them to the show in Ottawa on the 27th... oooops I mean the 26th.


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    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Empty Re: Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era?

    Post by Bill Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:09 am

    Thanks Cliff!

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    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Empty Para wings

    Post by Tankermike Thu Apr 10, 2014 8:49 am

    The combat para wings are interesting, never seen that pattern before, appears to be same style as the combat boonie hat badge. Looks similar to the garrison style.
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    Location : Resting on my laurels in Ottawa

    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Empty Re: Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era?

    Post by pylon1357 Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:44 pm

    Hi Mike, I have no idea about those wings. I am sure Bill knows more about them. As for that matter, I am hard pressed to figure out when and what most of the cloth items are that I have accumulated over the years.

    Ian B
    Ian B

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    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Empty Re: Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era?

    Post by Ian B Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:49 pm

    I believe the wings are the initial trial subdued para qual from the early/mid '70's for wear on the combat uniform.  Never adopted, and according to Lou Grimshaw, in his book on Cdn para wings, a bunch were handed out to Brit jumpers when they were here for an exchange jump.  The rest were snatched up.  The later versions are as we all know them, on a rectangular piece of OD twill with an embroidered border.  Bill, you are one lucky son-of-a-moose.

    Cliff, would you be looking for ID on the rest, or just putting them out to see who's interested.  Like Bill, the only one I was interested in was the set of wings.  Oh snooze, you loose!!

    Stay safe and have fun.


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    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Empty Re: Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era?

    Post by Bill Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:02 pm

    Isn't the son of a moose a moose?  Very Happy 
    Yes, it is a piece I need for my collection as well.
    Global Moderator

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    Location : Resting on my laurels in Ottawa

    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Empty Re: Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era?

    Post by pylon1357 Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:38 am

    Ian B wrote:I believe the wings are the initial trial subdued para qual from the early/mid '70's for wear on the combat uniform.  Never adopted, and according to Lou Grimshaw, in his book on Cdn para wings, a bunch were handed out to Brit jumpers when they were here for an exchange jump.  The rest were snatched up.  The later versions are as we all know them, on a rectangular piece of OD twill with an embroidered border.  Bill, you are one lucky son-of-a-moose.

    Cliff, would you be looking for ID on the rest, or just putting them out to see who's interested.  Like Bill, the only one I was interested in was the set of wings.  Oh snooze, you loose!!

    Stay safe and have fun.


    Hello Ian, and all who have replied to this topic.

    I originally posted these as I am unable to positively identify them. Meaning era and use primarily. For example, I know the rank insignia, but not their usage. I think likely worn on combats during the 80's. All this is outside my collecting area. I was searching around the internet looking to see what I could ID and came up pretty much empty. It is difficult to find information when you don't know what to look for. It seems to me this era is lacking in documentation.

    The French and English LORE titles fit into my EME/GEM collection, but that is about it.

    I have not decided what I want to do with these. In the end some may well be offered up. Just to clear the air, my reason for accepting Bill's query is a personal one.

    Ian B
    Ian B

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    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Empty Badge Idents

    Post by Ian B Sat Apr 12, 2014 1:12 pm

    OK Cliff, hope this helps. I'll go in picture order and from top to bottom, left then top to bottom right in the picture.

    #1 Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps, pre '69

    Combat rank Corporal frt and bck 60's
    to 90's when CADPAT came in

    Combat rank Sergeant frt and back
    (same as Corp.)

    Trial Cdn para qual as discussed

    Army First class shot, DEU, 80's to present

    Army Marksman, DEU, 80's to present

    #2 Shoulder insignia (maybe Cadet, I think
    RCAF insig had lighter blue in CANADA arch)
    CF/DEU rank Warrant Officer 70's to present

    Work Dress rank Warrant Officer
    70's to 80's

    Army Master Gunner qual, DEU, right side, frt and bck
    (there is a left version as qual is worn on both sleeves)

    Mess dress rank Master Warrant Officer, frt and bck

    #3 Unfinished Air Force crew qual (centre part
    missing, so no way to tell which qual it is
    supposed to be)

    RCAF officers cap badge, pre '69

    Navy Dental Clinical Tech. qual (I think for working dress
    on board ship, not for dress uniform) 80's to present
    frt and bck

    Queen's Own Rifles shoulder title, pre '69

    Canadian Women's Army Corps shoulder title pre '69

    #4 Land Ordnance Engineering shoulder titles
    Fre and Eng (think these are trial examples
    from 70's when titles for the CF Service
    were making a comeback. Don't recall ever
    seeing them being worn...BUT I could be

    Work dress epaulette slip-on, Corporal rank
    (for a time in the 80's before Garrison dress
    was issued)

    Aside for Bill. Yeah you're correct. What's a female moose called?

    A Meese

    Except if she's married, then she's a Meeses. As in "Meeses Moose"

    Last edited by Ian B on Sat Apr 12, 2014 1:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : formatting)

    Posts : 1120
    Join date : 2009-11-28

    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Empty Re: Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era?

    Post by Bill Sat Apr 12, 2014 1:29 pm

    Except when they are road kill, then it is Stew.  duh 

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    Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era? Empty Re: Hodge Podge of ranks and other insignia 80's era?

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