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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by pylon1357 Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:54 pm

    Ok, now that you are reading this topic, trying to figure out what the heck I am sounding off about, I finally made the plunge and picked up my first Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration. The post nominal for this Decoration is V.D.

    This example is in my opinion a fantastic example, as it is a Victorian one, which not only retains its original case, it has most of its original Gold Gilt. It could I suppose use a cleaning, but I am outside my comfort zone in this regard, as with my luck I would damage it.

    This example, was issued to Lt. Col. T.L. Alexander, 71st Regiment.

    Thomas Little Alexander seems to have had quite the life and career. Much research is digging is required to uncover and verify it all.

    If anyone has any information on Lt. Col Alexander, C.O. of the 71st York Battalion  circa 1900, it would be most helpful to me.

    As for the reference to the BUTT NUT, I am looking for just that, the nut that secures the butt stock of a MkI Bren. I have a MkII nut but it is totally different and will not work.

    In my original post, prior to me editing it, I gave some incorrect information regarding the naming of these Decorations. My statement claiming these were issued un-named, was in fact very incorrect. This Decoration is issued named. I mixed up this Decoration with the Territorial Decoration, that was not issued to Canadians.
    All sorted now, photos are in the next reply.

    Last edited by pylon1357 on Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:45 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : corrected information.)

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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by pylon1357 Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:44 pm

    Well, now that I seem to have my laptop sorted out, and without further a due, I present to you all, the Colonial Auxillery Forces Officers Decoration inscribed to Lt.Col. Thomas Little Alexander.

    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. V_d_bo10

    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Vd_com10

    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. V_d_ob10

    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Alexan10

    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. V_d_ha10

    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Lable_10


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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by barriefield-brian Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:46 pm

    Wow, that's a nice one Cliff. Myself, I wouldn't clean it. Cheers Brian

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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by qsamike Sat Apr 12, 2014 9:46 am

    Here is the next scarce pair of Canadian LSGC and MSM, Edward V11 that you should be looking for.....  

    Will keep my eye open for your Butt Nut at the gun show here in Calgary next weekend.....


    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Msm_0010
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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by pylon1357 Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:53 am

    Mike, thanks for offering to keep an eye for me in regards to the Butt Nut (dang that just sounds so wrong)

    I do like your examples of these two medals.

    It has only just recently sunk into my thick skull, that many career military men only have a single medal to reflect their service to Canada. My father being one of them. He has a C.D. and single bar to show for (1 month short) 32 years service in the Air Force.

    His service was really quite interesting. I will go into it in more detail with his permission.


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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by cmpman Sat Apr 12, 2014 8:20 pm

    Are you looking for the "nut, tube, return spring" or the "cap, return spring"? The first part holds the mk1 Butt onto the lower receiver. The cap then locks onto the nut to retain the return spring and rod.

    I may have a spare of the first (item 176 in the photo below), but know I do not have the second (item 70).

    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. 01minnenfield_zps6710f5f1
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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by pylon1357 Sun Apr 13, 2014 6:42 am

    Hey Rob, Its Cliff. Honestly, I am not certain what the heck I need now... Your description has confused me. number 177 and 352 appear to be for the MkII butt?? I would think either 70 or 176 is what I need. When I got my Bren, it had a MkII butt stock installed. I was lucky enough to get a good MkI butt from Steve, however I do not have the correct pieces to secure it.


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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by cmpman Sun Apr 13, 2014 6:55 am

    The illustration I used is from the Cdn parts manual for the Bren. The top set-up is for the mk1 and mk1m guns with the early and complicated buttstock. The lower setup is for the later mk2 buttstock setup.

    I have a CFTO somewhere in the bookcase that mentions that once stock was exhausted on the mk1 butts and they became unserviceable, they were to be replaced with mk2, so it would not be incorrect for your earlier gun to have the later stock. Same goes for the early extendable bipod legs. As these became unserviceable, they were to be either brazed on the retracted position, or replaced with the solid leg. Either leg type still carried the designation of Cmk1. The early leg comprised 11 parts, and the later leg only had 1. But I am getting off track here.

    Item 176 is a must have in order to hold the stock on. Item 70 is a nice to have. Simply installing the buttplate on will retain the return spring, but if you remove the buttplate for some reason you will get a greasy surprise as the spring comes shooting out at you.
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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by pylon1357 Sun Apr 13, 2014 7:27 am

    Hi Rob, Now I understand that photo. Certainly at least number 176 is what I must have at the very least. As you say, number 70 would be nice, but as long as the stock is secured on the Bren is my main concern at this time.

    You are 100% correct about the replacement stocks. One of my very good veteran friends was a Bren gunner in WWII with the Irish Regiment of Canada, and my Uncle Harvey was a Bren gunner with the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment.

    Both said the same thing about the Brens and their pieces being replaced. We as collectors are the only people that care about what stock was on the Bren. As an end user, the Bren Gunners, only cared that the weapon worked correctly.

    Sadly, both my uncle and my friend have passed away.

    I will send you a PM.

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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by pylon1357 Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:36 am

    Well I did the unthinkable, and cleaned up the V.D. I am actually very pleased I did. Although it appeared to be in quite good condition, I was amazed at just how great of condition it really was.

    I spent a considerable amount of time and effort looking around for an example of the Victoria version of the V.D. Of course I was very concerned about price and condition. I found a few online being offered but they seemed to be very high priced (at least more than I was willing to spend) for one in good, very good condition. The ones I was seeing at the price I was willing to pay, had a certain degree of Gilding worn off, moderately damaged ribbons, missing original cases, whatever the case may be, they were lesser quality than I wanted.

    Anyways, long story short, here are a before and after photos. As can been seen in the after photo, there is very little to no gilding missing from this example. I am just over the moon. Even my wife loves this beauty.

    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. V_d_ob11Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Cleane11


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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by barriefield-brian Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:33 pm

    Generally I don't like cleaning badges or medals but this one looks awesome. Cheers Brian
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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by pylon1357 Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:36 am

    Brian, I know exactly what you mean. I am in the no-clean camp for the most part. But in this case, I just had to do it. (Voices in my head, don't you know). LOL. As a general rule for me, if the medal is WWI or pre, as in no living veterans from said campaign etc, I will leave it alone. If it is a more modern one, generally I will make it presentable if necessary.

    I will leave a medal alone if the patina is even and nicely toned, however if it is uneven, or has something on it that will cause an issue, then by all means, I deal with it.

    I must say, I am very very happy and impressed with the results. This Decoration is just simply beautiful.


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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by qsamike Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:30 am

    Yes but would a Sergeant Major allow you to go on parade with dirty badges and medals......

    None that I know......


    P.S. I have found a cleaner that does not damage the items though.....
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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by pylon1357 Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:08 am

    Just a quick update to this topic, Thanks to Rob for suggesting I check out Marstar. My butt nut arrived today in the post. While I was at it, I also ordered a spring retainer and a front site hood, since I somehow broke the darned site protector.

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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

    Post by pylon1357 Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:51 pm

    FML, of course, I was really stoked to finally get this butt properly attached to my Bren. Unfortunately, I have misplaced my bloody Bren Wallet, and therefore my Bren tool.

    For the love of Pete, will something go right for a change. LMAO At least my life is not boring.


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    Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut. Empty Re: Well now that I have V.D. I am looking for a Butt Nut.

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