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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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    WWI Reunion Berets


    Posts : 949
    Join date : 2009-11-24
    Age : 52
    Location : Ontario, Canada

    WWI Reunion Berets Empty WWI Reunion Berets

    Post by jholl72 Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:38 pm

    Hey guys,
    I`ve been trying to do some research on the berets that were issued for WWI reunions. Does anyone have any they can post some pics of, or recommend a site or book to do some reading.
    WWI Reunion Berets Ahfeaq10


    Posts : 124
    Join date : 2011-03-19
    Age : 62
    Location : Windsor, Ontario

    WWI Reunion Berets Empty Re: WWI Reunion Berets

    Post by sarge5020 Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:17 pm

    Here's an 18th Battalion CEF reunion beret and blazer crest.

    WWI Reunion Berets Img_0513

    WWI Reunion Berets Img_0514

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    Age : 37
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    WWI Reunion Berets Empty Re: WWI Reunion Berets

    Post by lorne19 Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:24 pm

    Hi Jeff, am I right to say that the one you have is badged to the 5CMR? If so this is an intresting piece, I've never seen one that was blue. Al the reunion berets I've seen for the 5th were white with an cloth cap badge attached. Do you have any additianl info on this beret?


    Lorne jr

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    WWI Reunion Berets Empty Re: WWI Reunion Berets

    Post by jholl72 Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:15 pm

    Thanks for the pics of yours Sarge! Is it safe to say that there were no real standards for these? Many manufacturers, styles and materials? Lorne the pic I posted is not mine, just one I stole from a google search.
    The reason for my inquiry is to further educate myself on these as I picked up a lot of berets and side caps and in it was a two colour beret that I was thinking might be a reunion beret. The lot did have a WWI QOR side cap in it. I have looked into it being a Lions Club beret, but it looks like they didn't wear berets.
    I have attached the only pic of it that I have at the moment. I won the lot but don't have it in my hands yet.
    WWI Reunion Berets Img_0510


    Posts : 423
    Join date : 2011-08-22
    Age : 37
    Location : Canada

    WWI Reunion Berets Empty Re: WWI Reunion Berets

    Post by lorne19 Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:18 pm

    Nice find just the same, looks like one of them is a united empier servcie league beret.

    Posts : 949
    Join date : 2009-11-24
    Age : 52
    Location : Ontario, Canada

    WWI Reunion Berets Empty Re: WWI Reunion Berets

    Post by jholl72 Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:20 pm

    Yes it is BESL and Canadian Legion beret, 1945 dated Canadian beret. The light green one is non military, the multi coloured one is the question and the QOR one has a service number in it....already requested the file. I was only after the QOR cap but had to buy the lot.


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