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    Extreamly Rare Gold Capture of Quebec Medal


    Posts : 569
    Join date : 2009-11-28
    Location : Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Extreamly Rare Gold Capture of Quebec Medal Empty Extreamly Rare Gold Capture of Quebec Medal

    Post by qsamike Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:41 am

    Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen......

    For your viewing pleasure......

    Quebec Taken, 1759. Gold Medal. 40.0mm. 554.7 gns. Head of Britannia left, trident and standard crossed below, victors' names beneath; Victory crowns a trophy of French arms to which a captive is tied. Extremely rare in gold and one of just four seen there are almost certainly a few others that survive, but would be surprised if that number exceeded five.

    The medal was commissioned by the Society Promoting Arts and Commerce (the Royal Society of Arts), the obverse shows the names of the British officers commanding in the campaign, Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Saunders and Major-General James Wolfe. John Pingo received 20 Guineas for executing the dies. Quebec City was captured by the British following a risky night assault up the riverside cliffs to the Plains of Abraham outside the citadel. When the French awoke they found British regulars drawn up in line of battle. The fight was short but quite costly to both sides, French General Montcalm and British General Wolfe both being fatally shot on the field. The fall of the citadel at Quebec on September 18 was followed 10 days later by the formal surrender of all of French Canada by the Marquis de Vaudreuil. During 1760, the remaining French garrisons along the Great Lakes were taken, including Detroit.

    By the end of the northern campaign, Britain had succeeded in removing the French threat from the north that had hung over American heads since the two powers began their New World rivalry a century earlier.

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