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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

Comprehensive Forum of Canadian Armed Forces History & Militaria

3 posters

    a couple of canteens


    Posts : 63
    Join date : 2014-02-25

    a couple of canteens Empty a couple of canteens

    Post by muskey124 Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:34 am

    I picked these up last week. The SWW canteen has a C Broad Arrow on the inside of the holder and the name of Steston E on the back of it. The FWW canteen has one of the top leather straps broken, but in other wise good condition.

    a couple of canteens Img_0311

    a couple of canteens Img_0312

    a couple of canteens Img_0313

    a couple of canteens Img_0314

    Posts : 543
    Join date : 2012-12-20
    Age : 47
    Location : Toronto

    a couple of canteens Empty Re: a couple of canteens

    Post by Jonhno Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:59 am

    I take it the leather strapped one is officers? would be curious to see the other side of the rivet on the strap, any markings on the leather?

    if your able to take your stuff outside, makes for better pics 2 thumbs up

    Posts : 63
    Join date : 2014-02-25

    a couple of canteens Empty Re: a couple of canteens

    Post by muskey124 Thu Oct 09, 2014 9:51 am

    I might be wrong because I am just getting back into collecting after a 30 yr break. The leather strapped canteen is a First World War canteen. Because a leather is so old I really don't want to take it apart to see about a makers mark. As for taking it outside to take a picture of, it was a little old and damp that morning, and my old bones don't like cold and damp. I am hoping to try a fix the leather strap, if any one know how, if not they are just for a shelf display, along with a Brodie helmet, a 105 shell and a 20mm empty casing that is dated 1942.

    Posts : 820
    Join date : 2009-12-11

    a couple of canteens Empty Re: a couple of canteens

    Post by Infanteer Thu Oct 09, 2014 2:33 pm

    My grandfather used to say that a canteen is where you go to get coffee and a water bottle is what you carry your water in. He must have remembered someone saying that to him during his service.... probably during training.

    Posts : 543
    Join date : 2012-12-20
    Age : 47
    Location : Toronto

    a couple of canteens Empty Re: a couple of canteens

    Post by Jonhno Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:35 am

    no problem, my eyes taking a second look the pics are fine,

    yeah no problem about taking the leather off either, 2 thumbs up

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