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    Is this Balmoral Real?

    New Member

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    Is this Balmoral Real? Empty Is this Balmoral Real?

    Post by CDN16thScottish Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:21 pm

    I bought this the other day, and new the device was too new for the hat, any ideas on the era of the Balmoral, and what tartan. I wonder if this was cut down for a child, looks like lining has been replaced.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ken
    Is this Balmoral Real? Ry%3D400
    Is this Balmoral Real? Ry%3D400Is this Balmoral Real? Ry%3D400
    Ian B
    Ian B

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    Is this Balmoral Real? Empty Re: Is this Balmoral Real?

    Post by Ian B Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:34 pm

    Good day Scottish.  Not an expert on hats, so I can't tell you if the balmoral is Canadian or Scottish.  I can tell you that the hat badge is British Army and is for the Highland Brigade that existed from about 1957 to 1968.  It was all part of the reorganization of the British Army at that time when some regiments were amalgamated and others were grouped into 14 Brigades.  The Highland Brigade was composed of the Black Watch, the Queen's Own Highlanders, the Gordon Highlanders and the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders.  They apparently all wore the Brigade hat badge with their regimental collar badges.  This changed in 1968 when the Brit Army went to a Divisional organization and regimental hat badges returned.

    Please don't quote me, but I think the tartan is Cameron, so the balmoral might be Queen's Own.

    To sum up not sure on the tartan, but sure on the hat badge as Highland Brigade.  Hope this helps some.

    Stay safe and have fun!

    New Member

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    Is this Balmoral Real? Empty Re: Is this Balmoral Real?

    Post by CDN16thScottish Thu Apr 23, 2015 7:27 pm

    Thanks very much for the all the information. That gives some where to start my search. Ken

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