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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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2 posters

    A Couple of Pre - WW1 Cap Badges Wanted


    Posts : 569
    Join date : 2009-11-28
    Location : Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    A Couple of Pre - WW1 Cap Badges Wanted Empty A Couple of Pre - WW1 Cap Badges Wanted

    Post by qsamike Wed May 06, 2015 11:12 am

    Good Morning Everyone.......

    Looking for reasonable priced Cap and Collar badges for the following units:

    15th Argyll Light Infantry


    49th Hastings Rifle Regiment

    Both either King Edward / King George Crowned...... Not Victorian.......

    Thanks in Advance......


    Posts : 1120
    Join date : 2009-11-28

    A Couple of Pre - WW1 Cap Badges Wanted Empty Re: A Couple of Pre - WW1 Cap Badges Wanted

    Post by Bill Thu May 07, 2015 5:27 am

    Mike, There is no kc badge for the 15th ALI. They wore a circular glen badge without a crown. And these are very scarce. There are collars for the XV ALI which can be found but again are not common. The 49th Hastings Regt had a kc cap badge, but again quite scarce.

    Posts : 569
    Join date : 2009-11-28
    Location : Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    A Couple of Pre - WW1 Cap Badges Wanted Empty Re: A Couple of Pre - WW1 Cap Badges Wanted

    Post by qsamike Thu May 07, 2015 5:39 am

    Good Morning Bill.....

    Yes I thought that they may have been rare but I like to mount a mans medals with the badges of the units in which he served.....

    Major Lynn served in both between the Boer War and WW1....... See:

    I have the RCR and CE badges.......


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    A Couple of Pre - WW1 Cap Badges Wanted Empty Re: A Couple of Pre - WW1 Cap Badges Wanted

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