My oldest son wanted to go garage sale hunting this morning looking for old video games and consoles, so I decided to tag along. He was not lucky in finding something for his collection but I was. This is a military stretcher/litter. After doing a very quick search with Google, some say it is WW2 and some say that it could be even earlier, possibly WW1. One person said that usually the date is stamped in the wood near the metal hinges but I did not see anything. The canvass is attached to the wood with what appears to heavy duty tacks that first go through a strip of leather, then the canvass and then wood. There are two straps that hold it in the closed position. They are made of canvass with metal eye rings. On the main canvass part, at the feet and head area, are two sets of holes that are re-enforced with metal or brass rings. Are these for holding something in place: ie. a pillow or padding? The length of the canvass is approx. 70 inches, the overall length is 92 inches tall, and 23 inches wide in the open locked position. Anuone seen one like this before?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!