Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

Comprehensive Forum of Canadian Armed Forces History & Militaria

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    some of my latest miss mash

    Global Moderator

    Posts : 1351
    Join date : 2009-11-24
    Location : Resting on my laurels in Ottawa

    some of my latest miss mash  Empty some of my latest miss mash

    Post by pylon1357 Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:30 am

    For someone who stopped collecting, I have failed miserably. Here is a quick pic of some of the things that have come in over the last week (still a few other things coming)

    the background is a camelbak (obviously). the top item is an aluminum soap dish dated 1945 with a /l\ the medals are for the most part full entitlements, well, 4 are full entitlements, two are splits. One of the splits is to a member of the 26th Bn, the other to a member of the CAN.INF.WRKS.COY. The other 4 are to the 180th, the 101st, 32nd, and 166th Battalions. Needless to say, I am quite pleased.

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    Posts : 965
    Join date : 2012-06-03

    some of my latest miss mash  Empty Latest Finds

    Post by edstorey Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:21 am

    That CADPAT TW Camelback is an interesting item and your 1945 dated aluminum dish was manufactured by the British as part of the very late WWII Jungle clothing and equipment.
    Global Moderator

    Posts : 1351
    Join date : 2009-11-24
    Location : Resting on my laurels in Ottawa

    some of my latest miss mash  Empty Re: some of my latest miss mash

    Post by pylon1357 Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:25 am

    Thanks for the info on the aluminum dish, I was not sure where it fell into the whole kit scheme. It was cheap so I picked it up. I do like the Camelbak for sure, Now I have a meaningful was to display my Arid cover. LOL.


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