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    some odds and ends I picked up in the past few weeks


    Posts : 63
    Join date : 2014-02-25

    some odds and ends I picked up in the past few weeks Empty some odds and ends I picked up in the past few weeks

    Post by muskey124 Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:34 pm

    Sorry for all the pictures, but there is just so much, and also for the quality, but it is not that nice out side today. The first picture are of some great books that I picked up. The Canadian's at War series, I remember taking them out of the library when I was a kid, I never did read a whole a book, but I do remember sitting with my father, and him telling me stories, of when he was in the army, just the SWW. The second picture is of a Defence Medal and a CEF class c service pin, that picked up for a decent deal. I still need to look up the number on the back. And finally is a bag of badges that I friend from New Zealand sent me, for a trade for a Nova Scotia Highlander cap badge with the tartan backing, and shoulder flash. I was only expecting a RNZEME cap badge, for my EME theme that I'm working on. The modern Common Wealth badges, are for grand daughter, who has just recently expressed an interest in collecting "army badges" as she calls them.  
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