Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

Comprehensive Forum of Canadian Armed Forces History & Militaria

2 posters

    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army

    New Member

    Posts : 14
    Join date : 2018-05-26

    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army Empty Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army

    Post by bayrumblues Sat May 26, 2018 11:55 am

    Hello fine folks!

    I have a bit of an archive/ collection on the go and am seeking any rare, unique, unusual, cool military garments that might be out there. RCAF, RCN, RAF, Royal Navy, USN, USAAF, USAF, etc. etc. My areas of interest are generally within 1930's to 1970's

    I've seen some great photos, and gotten some fantastic information from this forum for a while now, but have just been a lurker! Figured I would make a post and see if anything comes of it.

    Smocks, windproofs, parkas, anoraks, Jackets, Trousers etc are all of interest (I've attached some photos of the type of garmentsI am after)

    Willing to pay good money, trade, or just chat and see photos of peoples fine collections. Thanks so much and feel free to contact me with anything.

    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army Totaro10
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army S-l16011
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army S-l16010
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army 59dcdd10
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army Imageu11
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army Raf-ta10
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army Imageu10
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army Foul110
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army D75c7010
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army Img_2310
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army 2f4f5910
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army 67698310
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army Usnavy10
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army 6673ca10
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army Be854310
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army 1e842510
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army 6d50f510
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army 3104_210
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army 49541610
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army 19660010
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army 20030010
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army Img_7010
    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army Ursula10
    New Member

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2009-12-21
    Age : 49
    Location : Oosterbeek, the Netherlands

    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army Empty Re: Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army

    Post by Canuck Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:15 am

    Hi there.
    I have a WW2 reversible parka if you are interested.

    These were used by units like the FSSF and 10th Mountain too I believe.
    One side is white, the other green.
    Let me know if you are interested.

    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army NLnXJ5K

    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army NcnhT6e

    Wanted: WW2 to 1960's British, Canadian, American Rare/ Unique/ Interesting Utility Garments. RCAF, RAF, RN, RCN, USN, USAAF, USAF, Army Pph2x4k

    Kindest regards,


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