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    Roman's cartoons


    Posts : 321
    Join date : 2009-11-28
    Age : 58
    Location : NB

    Roman's cartoons Empty Roman's cartoons

    Post by Darrell Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:48 am


    I recall seeing LCol Roman Jarymowycz's cartoons in the old Sentinel Magazine as a Base Brat in the 70's. When I first put on the uniform in 1983, I was seeing his cartoons just about everywhere around unit lines. Some of my favorite Canadian Military Cartoons

    I was happy to win this collection of cartoons from RV83 (no, I was not there) off eBay.
    Roman's cartoons 20201010
    Roman's cartoons Img_6711
    Roman's cartoons Img_6712
    Roman's cartoons Img_6714
    Roman's cartoons Img_6713

    Still looking for the RV81 collection.


    Posts : 965
    Join date : 2012-06-03

    Roman's cartoons Empty Roman's Cartoons

    Post by edstorey Sat Oct 17, 2020 8:46 am

    Yes, Roman's cartoons were topical and I think reflect a period when the CF was still secure in itself to be able to look within, joke about life in the forces and not be afraid to print it in comic form. I was on every RV exercise and still have my 81 and 83 comic books. Without digging through my Sentinel collection, I believe Roman took over from Scottie as the magazine's in-house cartoonist in the late 1970s, but I have not confirmed this.


    Posts : 321
    Join date : 2009-11-28
    Age : 58
    Location : NB

    Roman's cartoons Empty Re: Roman's cartoons

    Post by Darrell Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:50 pm

    Hi Ed

    I envy you for your RV81 copy. 2 thumbs up I'll keep looking.

    I arrived in Pet from Cornwallis about a week after the entire Base had left for RV85. PAT at unit lines for the next 8 weeks! I went to RV87, RV89 I was in Cyprus and I attended RV92. No comic collection for those, I believe.

    Ah yes, Scotty. Another good, down to earth military type cartoon. Sorry Ed, those days are gone.

    Lots of good cartoonists out there back in the day but that has dropped off in recent times. Even back then many weren't well known outside their trade or Base. There was Mullen:

    As a young Regular 8th Hussar in Pet, I recall seeing some Black Wooley cartoons and although I may have a couple around somewhere, cannot produce an example just now.


    Posts : 965
    Join date : 2012-06-03

    Roman's cartoons Empty Military Cartoons

    Post by edstorey Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:48 pm

    Sadly I tend to think that military cartooning has become a lost art in the CF. I believe people still have the talent, but there is no encouragement to employ it less someone gets offended.

    The comic books were only produced for RV 81 and RV 83.
    Ian B
    Ian B

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    Location : PEI

    Roman's cartoons Empty Talking to LCol Jarymowycz

    Post by Ian B Sat Oct 17, 2020 6:47 pm

    I believe there was a book of cartoons produced during the RV after RV 83, but as I recall, They were not done by 'Roman'.

    Interestingly, I ran into LCol Jarymowycz in Gagetown back in the late '90's/early '00's.  I was instructing on the simulator training device for the LAV III.  We were working in the large drill hall/hangar in the Armoured School at CTC Gagetown.  This officer walks by the open overhead door with a retinue of junior Armoured officers.  He stops to look at the new vehicle and yells up to me that the Infantry was now Panzer Grenadiers.  I hopped down to talk to him and noticed that his name tag said "Jarymowycz".  Making a comment that the PC Police better not hear him calling us that, I introduced myself then asked when he was going to get around to penning a few pictures with the LAV in them.  Needless to say, I was a little disheartened to hear him say that he didn't do that any more.

    What could have been!  


    Posts : 321
    Join date : 2009-11-28
    Age : 58
    Location : NB

    Roman's cartoons Empty Re: Roman's cartoons

    Post by Darrell Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:21 am

    Hi Ian

    Although LCol Jarymowycz had passed away in 2017, I never met the man. I'm sure it was possible but it never happened that I recall. I would have been pleased to.

    Black Wooly was a Regt'l creation at the 8th Canadian Hussars in Petawawa circa 1976 by a Sgt D.J Thibideau, Admin Clerk. Our museum has a number of his black ink on heavy panels originals.

    These are from the pictorial history 1962-87. Very Happy

    Roman's cartoons Img_7012
    Roman's cartoons Img_7011
    Roman's cartoons Img_7010


    Ian B
    Ian B

    Posts : 272
    Join date : 2013-09-10
    Location : PEI

    Roman's cartoons Empty RIP Roman

    Post by Ian B Tue Mar 09, 2021 8:33 pm


    Sorry to hear that Col Jarymowycz passed on to the Big Stand Easy in the sky. His take on military foibles always brightened my day.

    All the best to you and yours.



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