Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

Comprehensive Forum of Canadian Armed Forces History & Militaria

    History Interest and Learning Centre


    Posts : 431
    Join date : 2012-03-05
    Age : 57
    Location : Alberta

    History Interest and Learning Centre Empty History Interest and Learning Centre

    Post by Cameraguy Sun Jan 23, 2022 1:59 pm

    Hey guys,hope youre all well.

    For all of you who are not on Facebook, the next step to my organization Veterans Voices of Canada has begun with my micro museum or what is know as our Veterans Voices of Canada-History Interest and Learning Centre. Im located in downtown Sylvan Lake,AB. This will be an approximately 1500 square foot space that will display mostly Canadian,but also true world military history. We will ensure it is always changing,and here is how I propose to do that.

    As I've been a collector for many years,we will display much of my own hisotrical objects, but I am also putting it out there to any one who wants to put their awesome historical objects on display as a temporary loan for all to see,I welcome that!

    The idea is to ensure Canadians learn about true history without censorship,while at the same time ensure we have amazing,NOT run of the mill items. We are a builidng within a bulding,with locks and security alarms in the surrounding building, and locks on our doors within the building. There are cameras mounted all throughout the building as backup mseasure,so we have excellent security, while manning the space on a continuous basis. We are alo insured though a blanket insurance policy. We are just down the street from the local RCMP and First Responder/Fire services.

    All memorabilia not belonging to VVOC or myself,wil 100% be secured within displays so they cannot be stolen,handled or damaged in any way. There is no natural lighting,so there would be no light damage.

    Anything from important documents to uniforms to deactivated weaponry...we're interested.

    You can contact me at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] to talk more about it if you are tiring of having your memorabilia in a drawer,closet or basement...unseen.

    I know I amproud of what I own and want others to enjoy/appreciate,and I know we all want to have our collectables seen. This is the perfect chance for you to not only show it off,but to allow Canadians to continue to be educated so we in fact,never forget(which is so important especially these days)

    Thanks for listening and taking the time to consider!

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      Current date/time is Sat Sep 14, 2024 2:38 am