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    British ammo boots - a possibility for Canadian soldiers in Europe?


    Posts : 43
    Join date : 2022-10-17

    British ammo boots - a possibility for Canadian soldiers in Europe? Empty British ammo boots - a possibility for Canadian soldiers in Europe?

    Post by Didier Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:57 am


    Yet another question, this time about ammo boots: are there by any chance any documents (written documents or photos) attesting the use of British ammunition boots by Canadian troops in Europe? As WW2 Canadian boots are scarce and extremely pricey in France, I chose to use British boots instead for my mannequin (which is what most French collectors do) and would like to know whether such a possibility did exist in the field at the time. Could you also confirm that Canadians used cotton shoelaces instead of leather ones? If that is the case, I shall leave the post-war laces on my British boots.

    British ammo boots - a possibility for Canadian soldiers in Europe? Img20210
    British ammo boots - a possibility for Canadian soldiers in Europe? Img_2042



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    British ammo boots - a possibility for Canadian soldiers in Europe? Empty Re: British ammo boots - a possibility for Canadian soldiers in Europe?

    Post by LSR Fri Dec 16, 2022 3:15 am

    Cotto and leather are both possible, But if you use cotton laces you need flat ones and not round like on the photo.
    About the boots: you also could buy a post war Canadian pair of boots, model is exact the same.

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    British ammo boots - a possibility for Canadian soldiers in Europe? Empty Re: British ammo boots - a possibility for Canadian soldiers in Europe?

    Post by Nico62fr Wed Feb 01, 2023 2:14 am


    Interesting detail for the laces !

    Posts : 43
    Join date : 2022-10-17

    British ammo boots - a possibility for Canadian soldiers in Europe? Empty Re: British ammo boots - a possibility for Canadian soldiers in Europe?

    Post by Didier Wed Feb 01, 2023 6:15 am

    Nico62fr wrote:Hello.

    Interesting detail for the laces !

    I have changed the laces accordingly, although the new ones don't look any more "period correct" than those that had come with the boots.

    British ammo boots - a possibility for Canadian soldiers in Europe? Img20289

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    British ammo boots - a possibility for Canadian soldiers in Europe? Empty Re: British ammo boots - a possibility for Canadian soldiers in Europe?

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