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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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    Looking to Buy Canadian Flight Suit E-1 / Deacon Jacket

    New Member

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2023-10-24

     Looking to Buy Canadian Flight Suit E-1 / Deacon Jacket Empty Looking to Buy Canadian Flight Suit E-1 / Deacon Jacket

    Post by shuaigehao2011 Mon Nov 27, 2023 12:00 pm

    Dear forum members,

    I am currently searching for an E-1/dacon jacket and I hope to find interested sellers here. If you have this jacket and are willing to sell it, I am very interested in discussing further with you.

    Here are some requirements for the E-1/dacon jacket:

    Condition: Please ensure the jacket is in good condition without any flaws or damages.
    Price: Please offer a reasonable price as I am willing to pay a fair value.
    If you have the E-1/dacon jacket and meet the criteria listed above, please reply to this post or send me a private message with detailed information about the jacket and its price. If possible, please provide photos so that I can better understand the appearance and quality of the jacket.

    Please note that I am only interested in authentic E-1/dacon jackets and I prefer to deal with reliable sellers. Therefore, if you are an individual seller, please provide some credibility or transaction records.

    Thank you for your attention and support! I look forward to connecting with you!

    Best regards!

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