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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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    UN M1 Helmet Liner and Combat Jacket


    Posts : 2215
    Join date : 2009-11-22
    Age : 53
    Location : Alberta, Canada

    UN M1 Helmet Liner and Combat Jacket Empty UN M1 Helmet Liner and Combat Jacket

    Post by mk1rceme Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:46 pm

    These are the only UN items I have at the moment...I do have a UN beret packed away somewhere but I cannot locate it at the moment. All the items are from the same person.

    Helmet Liner: Dated 1972 and is in paratrooper configuration.
    UN M1 Helmet Liner and Combat Jacket Pict0070

    UN M1 Helmet Liner and Combat Jacket Pict0071

    UN M1 Helmet Liner and Combat Jacket Pict0072

    Combat Jacket: Does have rank slip-ons in the chest pocket...did not think to put them on for the pics. duh
    UN M1 Helmet Liner and Combat Jacket Pict0073

    UN M1 Helmet Liner and Combat Jacket Pict0074

    UN M1 Helmet Liner and Combat Jacket Pict0075


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