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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

Comprehensive Forum of Canadian Armed Forces History & Militaria

    WWII Visor Cap?


    Posts : 949
    Join date : 2009-11-24
    Age : 52
    Location : Ontario, Canada

    WWII Visor Cap? Empty WWII Visor Cap?

    Post by jholl72 Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:22 am

    Hey guys,
    Just picked this one up. I had in the past on another forum tried to generate a discussion on how to determine whether a visor is WWII or post war and never got anywhere with it.
    Hoping we can put our heads together and come up with some general guidelines.
    I have heard that a green underside to a visor is WWII, but I also have WWII visors with a cloth underside.
    I have also heard there is a way to tell based on the thickness and colour of the chinstrap.
    And lately I have heard that if it has a plastic sweatshield it is post war.
    Anyone else heard these or have your own ways of determining the vintage of a visor cap.

    WWII Visor Cap? L1efr

    WWII Visor Cap? L1gKA

    WWII Visor Cap? L1jeJ

    WWII Visor Cap? L1lJS

    WWII Visor Cap? L1oe0

    WWII Visor Cap? L1qJ9

    WWII Visor Cap? L1vIr

    WWII Visor Cap? L1ycA

    WWII Visor Cap? L1AHJ

    WWII Visor Cap? L1DbS

    WWII Visor Cap? L1FH0


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