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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

Comprehensive Forum of Canadian Armed Forces History & Militaria

Red Beret
Battalion Colours
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    Post by servicepub Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:44 pm

    One of the things I dislike about this forum (and its only been a couple of days) is the use of pseudonyms/usernames instead of real names. One of the things that works well on Canuck and Maple Leaf Up is the use of a person's real name (in fact, on MLU it is required). I always believe that real names lead to a better relationship, between posters, more polite postings, fewer flame wars, etc...

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    Post by mk1rceme Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:51 pm

    That is a good idea and I agree with you. I have no problem using my name and usually use it(when I remember) when I post. Perhaps pinning some requirements in the introductions forum asking for a real name with the introduction would be in order.

    The forum is new, and perhaps some people just want to test the water before identifying themselves. I will dicuss this with Jeff and see what he thinks.

    Thanks for your input!

    Battalion Colours
    Battalion Colours

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    Post by Battalion Colours Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:14 pm

    servicepub wrote:One of the things I dislike about this forum (and its only been a couple of days) is the use of pseudonyms/usernames instead of real names. One of the things that works well on Canuck and Maple Leaf Up is the use of a person's real name (in fact, on MLU it is required). I always believe that real names lead to a better relationship, between posters, more polite postings, fewer flame wars, etc...

    I agree with Clive. I think it's particularly important for Moderators to use their real names.

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    Post by servicepub Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:24 pm

    While the forum is still young it should be easy to make the change. Ask current members to edit their profiles and change their username to their real name (or this may be able to be accomplished through software or by the mods) and require new members to use their real name.

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    Post by jholl72 Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:14 pm

    I don't want my full name as my user name, as then it is easy for anyone to see what I have in my collection and track me and my location down. I always sign my posts with my real first name, as I think it adds to the personal aspect of the interactions we have. I also dislike having to address someone on the forum as their user name, but understand peoples reluctance to use their full name.
    Those that I have met or have done business with or have interacted with for years on the various forums know my full name and my location and I am comfortable with that, but don't want it publicized for the world to see.
    Maybe, I am being over cautious but I have invested a lot of money in my collection and want to protect it the best I can.

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    Post by pylon1357 Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:07 pm

    jholl72 wrote:I don't want my full name as my user name, as then it is easy for anyone to see what I have in my collection and track me and my location down. I always sign my posts with my real first name, as I think it adds to the personal aspect of the interactions we have. I also dislike having to address someone on the forum as their user name, but understand peoples reluctance to use their full name.
    Those that I have met or have done business with or have interacted with for years on the various forums know my full name and my location and I am comfortable with that, but don't want it publicized for the world to see.
    Maybe, I am being over cautious but I have invested a lot of money in my collection and want to protect it the best I can.

    You know usual, I had trouble figuring out just how to put my thoughts into words. Jeff, your concerns in regards to having your last name posted, are the same as mine. I have taken as many precautions as one can reasonably expect to ensure the safety of family and my collection. However posting my collection on an open forum sometimes has me a little concerned.

    At any rate, I am going to shut up now as I will likely stick my foot in my mouth.


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    Post by servicepub Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:15 pm

    That's fine. I well understand the concerns as I collected handguns for years and paid Bell Canada to keep an inlisted number sothat nobody could find my address. I still thank that even just a first name is better than the username.
    Red Beret
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    Post by Red Beret Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:16 pm

    I have no problem using my first name whenever I post, but I'm a little hesitant in having my complete name listed for all to see. I trust the regular members, but all it takes is for one unscrupulous person to cause some problems. I think further discussion about this matter would be a good idea....Gerry

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    Post by mk1rceme Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:24 pm

    I think the best thing to do is what Jeff has always done, and what me an Cliff now do. Adding your first name to your signature seems to be the cure for this...but signing off on every post with your name is acceptable too.

    I have always used 'mk1rceme' on every forum I participate on to make my identification easier, but sometimes I forget to add my name at the end of a post entry. The signature makes it so much easier.

    Everybody here has the option to edit their posts. I for one will edit my introduction post to include my name. I would urge everyone to do the same.

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    Post by Dave_Block Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:57 pm

    Overall I like to know who I'm talking to, so to speak. While I've never met 'Servicepub' directly, I certainly know who Clive is. I don't think I've financed his car but I must have paid for the spare tire at least...
    I appreciate that sites such as these will attract people in the Military/Law Enforcement profession, people who may not want their identities/interests/collections open for scrutiny to the public. I certainly respect that and would not want to put anyone in jeopardy for the sake of a nickname.
    Likewise, I would be a bit shy if I had any type of firearms collection. The search engine published in the 'Ottawa Citizen' a while back can make hunting down the owners of specific registered firearms to a postal code area (L5J in my case) frightenly simple. Like it or not, it's there and easily accesible.
    By the same token, I'm amazed at the 'Facebook' crowd that posts EVERYTHING! I could literally get fake ID from some of the posters as they have everthing needed: school, employment, personal history, even a decent 'driver's license' photo. One former co-worker pretty much published his schedule for BM's.
    Of course there's the group of 'Adolf admirers' who just think that a name such as 'Hitlerjugend' or the like is cool. I've seen them at militaria shows and can only assume that they are the ones who failed history. Serious re-enactors are one thing, having an SS soldier as an avatar borders on insulting (unless you had a relative in the SS). I've seen one on a popular modelling site and he's quite proud of it although he's part native American. Never understood the connection although I heard AH liked American westerns.
    For the most part I tend to treat aliases with a bit of suspicion although I would tend to trust 'John_from_Dundee' more than 'Einsatz-gruppe_Pete'. Hope I haven't offended too many posters.

    Cheers, Dave

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    Post by mk1rceme Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:56 pm

    Good points, and no offense taken on my end. I think it is a good idea to at least put up a first name somewhere in each post, and Jeff's idea of putting it in the signature seems to be the best way of doing just that. I have always used the same alias 'mk1rceme' since I started contributing on forums and that is how most people recognize me. I am notorious for not putting my name in each post because ignorance tells me everyone knows who I am...which is not the case the majority of the time.

    Funny you should mention the SS family relatives, my Grandmothers Sister married an SS officer but it is nothing the family is proud of. I can't see why anyone would be for that matter.


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    Post by qsamike Mon Jan 18, 2010 3:05 pm

    I have been known in the collecting community as QSAMIKE for at least 30 years infact it was other collectors that gave me the name...... But you can always call me crazy.......

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    Post by Dave_Block Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:32 pm

    Didn't realize the (interactive) internet as we know it was around that long. I won't bother telling you what my nickname in high school was. I'm not a full-time collector so, (no offence), your name means nothing to me. I do recognize the names of dealers that I find through Google though. I know everyone likes a 'handle' but I just get a creepy feeling about people who seem to hide behind some of the, um, shall we say, more outrageous ones.
    RCN Sailor
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    Post by RCN Sailor Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:16 pm

    Clive I would like to know more about CANUK. Searched for it but too many hits to find your ref.


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    Post by Infanteer Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:22 pm

    I don't mind using my real name in part such as "Steve F." but that's as far as I am willing to go. For me, personal security takes precedence over my participation in any online forum. I will send my full name to anyone with whom I have personal dealings but don't wish for my name to be publicly associated with any of my personal activities.

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    Post by Darrell Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:34 pm

    Infanteer90 wrote:I don't mind using my real name in part such as "Steve F." but that's as far as I am willing to go. For me, personal security takes precedence over my participation in any online forum. I will send my full name to anyone with whom I have personal dealings but don't wish for my name to be publicly associated with any of my personal activities.

    Ditto for me.


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