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    The Khulla, traditional Indian Army headdress

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    The Khulla, traditional Indian Army headdress Empty The Khulla, traditional Indian Army headdress

    Post by pylon1357 Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:39 am

    I picked this Khulla up at the Etobicoke show last weekend. I have not seen any reviews as yet on the show so I will give my take in another topic.

    My knowledge of this Khulla is quite limited, but this is my undstanding as to the use and wear of this particular piece of head gear.

    The khulla is a conical type head covering around which a 'Pargri' (turban) is wrapped.

    When the pagri is wrapped around the khulla, the loose end is left protruding above the pagri in the manner of a fan tail. This is known as the 'Shamla'.

    My khulla is War Department marked and is made from heavy khaki material. It has 4 stitched vent holes near the top. It is dated 1942 and is in unissued condition.

    I would love to add a Pargri to finish this off, however, I know nothing about where to acquire one. To date the internet sales have not yielded any positive results.

    It was my only purchase at the show that weekend, other than an Italy Star I picked up for a friend.

    The Khulla, traditional Indian Army headdress Cone_110
    The Khulla, traditional Indian Army headdress Cone_i10
    The Khulla, traditional Indian Army headdress Cone_m10
    The Khulla, traditional Indian Army headdress Cone_m11
    The Khulla, traditional Indian Army headdress Cone_m12

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    Join date : 2011-02-27
    Age : 44
    Location : Fraser Valley, British Columbia

    The Khulla, traditional Indian Army headdress Empty Re: The Khulla, traditional Indian Army headdress

    Post by GregN Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:43 pm

    Hi Cliff, I picked up a similar one at the Chilliwack show. I paid a loonie for mine although I have no idea as to why I bought it!


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