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    Added a couple of BD's to my collection...


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    Added a couple of BD's to my collection... Empty Added a couple of BD's to my collection...

    Post by ledfut Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:01 pm

    Just added a couple of very nice WW2 Canadian BD's to my collection.

    The Seaforths BD is dated 1945 and is a size 10. All original badging including 3 year service chevrons and ribbon bar. A very nice "coming home" BD.

    The Ld.SH BD shows a bit of wear, but is still my favourite of the two. This one also has 100% original badging and an original lanyard. It shows a configuration of badges as would have been worn from 1943 to early 1945 (Thanks Bill A!). It is not a typical "coming home" BD, as the Strathconas had switched over to different shoulder patches by the end of the war. The BD is a size 13 but the date cannot be made out. However, it has the metal clasps at the neck as opposed to the button closure under the collar - indicating it is 1943 or earlier. There is a partial last name visible inside the BD. I was able to check the nominal roll and turn up only 1 match, but without the full name or ID number it would be impossible to conclusively ID the BD to this soldier.

    I dressed up one of my mannequins for a couple of pictures, using a couple of caps already in my collection. The caps did not come with the BD.

    Added a couple of BD's to my collection... Image_zps7fdd03b6

    Last edited by ledfut on Mon May 06, 2013 8:45 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Added a couple of BD's to my collection... Empty Re: Added a couple of BD's to my collection...

    Post by mk1rceme Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:17 pm

    2 thumbs up Very nice!


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    Added a couple of BD's to my collection... Empty Re: Added a couple of BD's to my collection...

    Post by Infanteer Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:36 pm

    Very nice looking BD! I too really like the LDSH 2 thumbs up

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    Added a couple of BD's to my collection... Empty Re: Added a couple of BD's to my collection...

    Post by recceboy Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:25 pm

    As a collector of nice looking Strathcona kit, I have never seen that type of BD before. It has the Armoured corps shoulder flash with the 5th CAD maroon patch, post 1942 as it has the little "d" added. A true unit one would have the red & green unit shoulder flash, this might be from a replacment soldier tunic.

    Anyone else have any info on this tunic.

    Anthony Added a couple of BD's to my collection... 1739809586

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    Added a couple of BD's to my collection... Empty Re: Added a couple of BD's to my collection...

    Post by Bill Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:33 am

    Hello Anthony, The LdSH as part of the 5 CAD were required to follow the insignia policy of that division. In late 1942 / early 1943, it was policy that, as with other corps, the Canadian Armoured Corps would be patched with the corps title on the shoulder and the imposed formation patch, which would show the regimental abbreviation. This was followed by the 5 CAD until the division returned to NW Europe in early 1945. In early 1944, CMHQ changed the policy and had the imposed formation patches replaced by plain patches with the regimental shoulder title at the top of the sleeve. This was easy to implement for 4 CAD, 2 CAB and armoured units in the infantry divisions and First Cdn Army and 2 Cdn Corps who were in the UK. They had relatively easy access to the insignia supply and were able to implement the change within a short period of time. (Sort of, the supply situation, even in the UK, was tenuous at best.) However, the units of 1 Cdn Corps were not able to switch to the shoulder title / plain patch combination due to supply and approval issues. Titles needed to be approved, and the process of submitting designs, initial approvals, samples and sealing patterns, resulted in delays of months, especially as the units in question were in the Mediterranean theatre.
    The LdSH tunic shown in Craig's image is correct for the period 1943 through early 1945. The shoulder titles were not available until sometime in March 1945.

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    Added a couple of BD's to my collection... Empty Re: Added a couple of BD's to my collection...

    Post by recceboy Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:11 pm

    With the LdSh being in Italy from 43-45, they were issued the Regimental shoulder flash as seen from period photos, along with the 5 CAD patch. Seeing this opens up another question of when, where & who , was issued this BD. I will drop a note to the Regimental Museum to get the full details. It is a great looking BD , and just would like to get the whole story.

    Anthony :yessir:

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    Added a couple of BD's to my collection... Empty Re: Added a couple of BD's to my collection...

    Post by Bill Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:17 pm

    Have to disagree with you about the shoulder titles. There were no titles to wear at that time. My research is based on extensive documentation from LAC, and regimental sources. I would certainly love to see proof of regimental titles in wear during late 1943 through early 1945. And, I would also like to see the authorizations for the same. The wearing of insignia was not a preference. It was mandated by the senior combatant officer, Canadian army overseas, and then through formation Commanding officers.

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    Added a couple of BD's to my collection... Empty Badged LDSH BD Tunic

    Post by edstorey Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:33 pm

    This is my badged LDSH BD Tunic and I believe that it illustrates an example of one containing insignia which was not available until after March 1945, in this case for the return to Canada after VE Day.

    Added a couple of BD's to my collection... BattledressTunic-LordStrathconasHorse-5thCanadianArmouredDivision-badges-1

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    Added a couple of BD's to my collection... Empty Re: Added a couple of BD's to my collection...

    Post by ledfut Mon May 06, 2013 8:14 pm

    recceboy wrote:As a collector of nice looking Strathcona kit, I have never seen that type of BD before. It has the Armoured corps shoulder flash with the 5th CAD maroon patch, post 1942 as it has the little "d" added. A true unit one would have the red & green unit shoulder flash, this might be from a replacment soldier tunic.

    Anyone else have any info on this tunic.

    Anthony Added a couple of BD's to my collection... 1739809586

    Although not LdSH, there is a great vintage ad for sale on eBay (item 360647202269) with a photo of a soldier with the same patch configuration on his BD (Canadian Armoured Corps shoulder title over 5th CAD formation patch) as seen on my LdSH tunic.

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    Added a couple of BD's to my collection... Empty Re: Added a couple of BD's to my collection...

    Post by servicepub Mon May 06, 2013 8:30 pm

    Here's the CO of the LdSH, Italy, 1943.

    Added a couple of BD's to my collection... File0104

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