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    my grandfathers tid bits


    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2009-11-29
    Location : Near Camp X

    my grandfathers tid bits Empty my grandfathers tid bits

    Post by Enfield Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:39 pm

    When I was about 9 or 10 I found out my grandfather was in the ww2 in the raf as leading aircraft man and every every time since then I ask him "do you have any stores from the war?" he would give you a funny look and leave the room and he keeped doing this till I was about 14 and I ask him again "do you have any stores from the war"
    and I add "if you dont share any thing with me then I wont have any thing to pass on to my kids" and he thoguth about it for a minute and he agreed and we sat down and the the only big thing I can remember is that he was in a building at one end of air airfield and he said that he was order to to go a hanger on the other side of the air field he said it was cool out but windy with snow faling when he got there there were two guards posted out side the hanger and he soon let inside and my his NCO and soon met up with a group of men and the NCO said "gentleman pearl harbor has been attacked" and one of the man responded" what the bloody hell is pearl harbor?"

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