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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

Comprehensive Forum of Canadian Armed Forces History & Militaria

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    Grandfather / Grandson Jiffy Bag Dance - The Jack Family - 25th Bn CEF


    Posts : 569
    Join date : 2009-11-28
    Location : Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Grandfather / Grandson Jiffy Bag Dance - The Jack Family - 25th  Bn CEF Empty Grandfather / Grandson Jiffy Bag Dance - The Jack Family - 25th Bn CEF

    Post by qsamike Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:24 pm

    Good Day Every One.....

    A bit slow but they arrived today......

    Not in my field of collecting but could not refuse them when offered also not to break up family group.

    No research done yet.


    India Mutiny - Lucknow - Defence of Lucknow - T. JACK, 1st MADRAS FUSRS. - Looks like an original piece of ribbon as well.


    Military Medal - 902202 Cpl. T. A. JACK, 25/N. SCOTIA R.
    World War One Pair - 902202 Cpl. T. A. JACK, 25th - Can. Inf.


    Grandfather / Grandson Jiffy Bag Dance - The Jack Family - 25th  Bn CEF Jacks_10

    Grandfather / Grandson Jiffy Bag Dance - The Jack Family - 25th  Bn CEF Jacks_11
    Global Moderator

    Posts : 1351
    Join date : 2009-11-24
    Location : Resting on my laurels in Ottawa

    Grandfather / Grandson Jiffy Bag Dance - The Jack Family - 25th  Bn CEF Empty Re: Grandfather / Grandson Jiffy Bag Dance - The Jack Family - 25th Bn CEF

    Post by pylon1357 Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:32 pm

    I like very much what I see. Not my area either could be hahaha

    Very nice pickup for sure Mike, congratulations.

    Posts : 569
    Join date : 2009-11-28
    Location : Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Grandfather / Grandson Jiffy Bag Dance - The Jack Family - 25th  Bn CEF Empty Re: Grandfather / Grandson Jiffy Bag Dance - The Jack Family - 25th Bn CEF

    Post by qsamike Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:28 pm

    Good Evening Everyone.....

    Just got home and there was a message for me..... The family in digging around found the Great Grandsons uniform from WW2..... A W.W.2, R.C.N. Jumper, Pants and Cap for a leading seaman....

    They will be sending it on to me.....


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