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    Pattern 1919 Naval Pistol & Cutlass Webbing


    Posts : 289
    Join date : 2013-02-16

    Pattern 1919 Naval Pistol & Cutlass Webbing Empty Pattern 1919 Naval Pistol & Cutlass Webbing

    Post by Wgrenadier Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:18 pm

    Hey Guys,

    Thanks to jholl72, I recently completed a set of 1919 Pattern webbing after years of searching!

    Pattern 1919 Naval Pistol & Cutlass Webbing Patter15

    Here is a table showing all of the specs on the individual components...

    Pattern 1919 Naval Pistol & Cutlass Webbing Mills_10

    And here is my impression of a Royal Navy rating boarding the Italian submarine Galileo Galilei from the HMS Kandahar off Aden circa 1940...

    Pattern 1919 Naval Pistol & Cutlass Webbing Aden_110

      Current date/time is Mon Jan 13, 2025 6:59 am