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    Canadian Contingent Coronation of King Edward VII


    Posts : 569
    Join date : 2009-11-28
    Location : Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Canadian Contingent Coronation of King Edward VII Empty Canadian Contingent Coronation of King Edward VII

    Post by qsamike Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:50 am

    Good Morning Everyone......

    Does anyone have a copy of the list showing who was in the Canadian Contingent that went to the UK for King Edward VII's Coronation.....

    I know there was one Coronation planned but he had medical problems and instead of being crowned on June 26th, 1902 the ceremony took place on August 9th, 1902.....

    The list I am interested in is the one for August 9th as that is the only one that had a medal issued.....

    The person I am looking for is a Captain J. A. Benyon, Royal Canadian Artillery.....

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.....


    Does anyone know if it is online somewhere??????

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