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    Named Mk I Helmet


    Posts : 127
    Join date : 2009-11-28

    Named Mk I Helmet Empty Named Mk I Helmet

    Post by 37patt Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:32 pm

    I recently picked up at auction a Mk I helmet with the added brim edge piece. There are no unit markings on the outside but there is a piece of what looks like old medical tape on the rear with the name "Maj Ted Sanders PLC" printed on it with red ink.

    My question now is, what does the PLC stand for? I can not find his name in the CEF search so it is possible that the man is British Military. Anyone out there with any ideas? Sorry about no photo's, but I don't feel like booting my poor computer again trying that whole exercise.

    Thanks - Eric

    Posts : 127
    Join date : 2009-11-28

    Named Mk I Helmet Empty Re: Named Mk I Helmet

    Post by 37patt Sat Apr 12, 2014 1:40 pm

    Not even a wild a** guess from anyone? I need a new line of research to chase no matter how remote the possibility.

    I've kind of run out of things to look up as most of them relate to computer stuff and even I know that those weren't around in 1916.

      Current date/time is Thu Jan 16, 2025 8:30 am