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    WWII Marlin Spike Knife

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    WWII Marlin Spike Knife Empty WWII Marlin Spike Knife

    Post by wpheaton Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:04 pm

    I have collected these two Canadian knives that I believe are from WWII.  One is manufactured by "OMF" and the other by "M.S.Ltd XX".  I have been told the "M.S.Ltd XX" stands for "Metal Stampings Ltd which was owned by Case XX.  I do not know anything about "OMF".  My grandfather had one from when he was in the WWII Canadian "Essex Regiment (Tank)".  Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.  



    WWII Marlin Spike Knife P6080310

    WWII Marlin Spike Knife P6080311

    WWII Marlin Spike Knife P6080312

    WWII Marlin Spike Knife P6080313

    WWII Marlin Spike Knife P6080314

    WWII Marlin Spike Knife P6080315

    WWII Marlin Spike Knife P6080316

    WWII Marlin Spike Knife P6080317

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    WWII Marlin Spike Knife Empty Clasp Knives

    Post by edstorey Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:24 pm

    Your 'OMF' marked knife is actually 'DMF' and was manufactured during the Great War - I do not know the company for which the initials stand for.   Your M.S. Ltd XX knife is a Post-WWII Case M346 which was manufactured by the Case subsidiary W.R. Case and Sons of Canada Ltd, Pictou, Nova Scotia in 1948-49.   These clasp knives used to be quite common and were issued well into the 1970s when they were replaced by the C5 Knife which was a US military 4 blade utility pocket knife manufactured for the Canadian military by Camillus.

    Here are some images of my DMF knife which is marked to 1 Training Depot.

    WWII Marlin Spike Knife DMFmarkedknife-30871TrainingDepotcopy_zps51bf5dc7

    WWII Marlin Spike Knife DMFmarkedbladecopy_zps57ba5f46

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    Age : 31
    Location : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    WWII Marlin Spike Knife Empty Re: WWII Marlin Spike Knife

    Post by Perth-Regiment(M.G.) Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:28 pm

    I have a OMF Knife too

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    WWII Marlin Spike Knife Empty Re: WWII Marlin Spike Knife

    Post by LSR Fri Sep 18, 2015 3:39 am

    I have a few of these knives to,two stainless/nickell ones and a aluminum example.
    Now everybody says that the knives with the M.S.Ltd XX stamp are post war, is that opinion based on Ron Flooks book or are ther other sources?

    The reason that I'm putting this up is that one of my knives has the M.S stamp, but that knive was given to my father in by a Canadian soldier in spring 1945 (he was 12 years of age then)............ hmmm scratch
    The knive has a C broad arrow stamp and nickel rivets.
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    WWII Marlin Spike Knife Empty Re: WWII Marlin Spike Knife

    Post by pylon1357 Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:36 am

    Excellent information Ed. I have a couple of these somewhere, just not sure where. One came with a veteran's acquired lot and the other I think I picked up at one of the shows. I also have a black handle one kicking about.


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    WWII Marlin Spike Knife Empty Re: WWII Marlin Spike Knife

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