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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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    MK1 CEF Brodie Helmet


    Posts : 31
    Join date : 2013-05-05
    Age : 62
    Location : Winnipeg

    MK1 CEF Brodie Helmet Empty MK1 CEF Brodie Helmet

    Post by birkie Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:00 pm


    my most recent CEF helmet acquisition, has a painted insignia and is visible through the sand textured paint but I have no idea what it is.  There is a rubber ring present indicating a 1917 issued helmet however there is no manufacturer or steel supplier stamp anywhere that I can see.  I'm not sure of the significance of a missing stamp, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Helmet is named to Edward Harold Lobb 343358, enlisted May 8, 1918.  No further info is available for Edward until Library and Archives Canada (LAC) completes its digitization of records later this fall. Perhaps when I retrieve more detail I will know the significance of the painted insignia.

    Thanks for looking, comments welcome and appreciated.

    MK1 CEF Brodie Helmet Lobb_113
    MK1 CEF Brodie Helmet Lobb_210
    MK1 CEF Brodie Helmet Lobb_411

    Posts : 543
    Join date : 2012-12-20
    Age : 47
    Location : Toronto

    MK1 CEF Brodie Helmet Empty Re: MK1 CEF Brodie Helmet

    Post by Jonhno Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:11 am

    I find this sometimes the marks can be very hard to see on the brim, under a really bright light might help, I had a look at his attestation, could be an artillery related flash? good luck with you future research and of course interested to see what you find out

    Posts : 31
    Join date : 2013-05-05
    Age : 62
    Location : Winnipeg

    MK1 CEF Brodie Helmet Empty Re: MK1 CEF Brodie Helmet

    Post by birkie Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:55 am

    Thanks J, you may be on to something there. The paint does perhaps suggest the outline of an artillery insignia. Will have to wait and see what LAC responds with. i think it would be great if it was artillery as my grandfather served as a gunner with the 2nd division, 17th battery.

    thx again, cheers


    Posts : 543
    Join date : 2012-12-20
    Age : 47
    Location : Toronto

    MK1 CEF Brodie Helmet Empty Re: MK1 CEF Brodie Helmet

    Post by Jonhno Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:28 pm

    no problem Keith, always interested to see these helmets as I am learning too, that would be something if it was Artillery seeing your Grandfather was Artillery also



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