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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

Comprehensive Forum of Canadian Armed Forces History & Militaria

    The D Day Battle Jerkin (Assualt Vest)


    Posts : 276
    Join date : 2009-11-25
    Location : Edmonton, AB

    The D Day Battle Jerkin (Assualt Vest) Empty The D Day Battle Jerkin (Assualt Vest)

    Post by GCR817 Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:50 am

    I thought I would share a couple of my rarest items with the forum.

    This is the British Pattern Assault Vest which was worn by some members during the initial assault at Normandy. Some were worn by Canadian units and in the case of the Winnipeg Rifles, they were turned back into stores and replaced with conventional 37 webbing a couple of days after the landing.

    This example came to me via a collector in France. If you look at the interior pics, you can see 1944 printed under the LARGE size.

    The D Day Battle Jerkin (Assualt Vest) Rare_010The D Day Battle Jerkin (Assualt Vest) Rare_011The D Day Battle Jerkin (Assualt Vest) Rare_012The D Day Battle Jerkin (Assualt Vest) Rare_013The D Day Battle Jerkin (Assualt Vest) Rare_014The D Day Battle Jerkin (Assualt Vest) Rare_015The D Day Battle Jerkin (Assualt Vest) Rare_016The D Day Battle Jerkin (Assualt Vest) Rare_017

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