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    Identification needed for a flash on a Canadian MKII helmet

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    Identification needed for a flash on a Canadian MKII helmet Empty Identification needed for a flash on a Canadian MKII helmet

    Post by csm-hollis Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:31 am

    Hello Folks,

    I'm a new member, I'm French and was born at Caen long time ago and live today in a small village on Gold Beach sector in Normandy.
    I've been collecting British and Canadian militaria for about 45 years and have always been interrested by the history of the Normandy battle during summer 1944 and the liberation campain of the NWE 1944-45.

    Some years ago I was fortunate to get an untouched Canadian MKII helmet which was a sleeper for long years in a local house. This helmet was found out in a house in Fleury-sur-Orne in September 1944 when the owners came back after the battle was over and civilians who had been evacuated were permitted to go back to their houses. The camouflage net which is a two colors canadian made and the pieces of colored hessian rolls are original on the helmet. There is a flash painted on the side of the helmet. For a time I thought it was a RCAMC flash but today I'm not sure anymore. In my opinion this helmet has a connection either with the 2nd Canadian Infantry Div. or the 4th Canadian Armoured Div.
    Any thought welcomed!
    Best regards.

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    Join date : 2012-06-03

    Identification needed for a flash on a Canadian MKII helmet Empty Helmet

    Post by edstorey Sun Mar 12, 2017 11:13 am

    The chistrap looks British and the helmet has been repainted. Any chance at a photo of the helmet markings?
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    Identification needed for a flash on a Canadian MKII helmet Empty Re: Identification needed for a flash on a Canadian MKII helmet

    Post by csm-hollis Sun Mar 12, 2017 12:09 pm

    edstorey wrote:The chistrap looks British and the helmet has been repainted.   Any chance at a photo of the helmet markings?

    Hello, thanks for your message. The helmet has the marking G.S.W. (General Steel Wares) and inside the liner has the marking V.M.C. 1942 (Veceroy Manufacturing Company).
    The chinstrap is the MKIII british made, pattern which was issued from about 1942. It is right that the helmet was repainted with a mixture of sand and painting which makes the helmet darker than the original factory painting. Only a retangle of the original painting has been let under the three colors flash.  
    Best regards.

    Posts : 401
    Join date : 2014-08-13

    Identification needed for a flash on a Canadian MKII helmet Empty Re: Identification needed for a flash on a Canadian MKII helmet

    Post by ypres Sun Mar 12, 2017 4:18 pm

    I think the RCAMC flash is in the opposite order: red, blue, yellow.

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    Identification needed for a flash on a Canadian MKII helmet Empty Re: Identification needed for a flash on a Canadian MKII helmet

    Post by csm-hollis Wed Mar 15, 2017 6:44 am

    ypres wrote:I think the RCAMC flash is in the opposite order: red, blue, yellow.


    Thanks Ypres for your help.
    I agree with you, the correct order would be as you state. The RCAMC or RAMC blue strip is darker than the central color of the flash on my helmet which is more green.
    Would the colors be upside down for the RCAMC like it is for the RCASC flash if we compare with the British color order? This could explain the difference, but there is no evidence for the time being!
    Best regards.
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    Identification needed for a flash on a Canadian MKII helmet Empty Re: Identification needed for a flash on a Canadian MKII helmet

    Post by ptesgaudet Sat Mar 18, 2017 3:49 pm

    Lots of info there :

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