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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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2 posters

    Ww2 Canadian 2nd division greatcoat *info needed*


    Posts : 43
    Join date : 2018-08-27

    Ww2 Canadian 2nd division greatcoat *info needed* Empty Ww2 Canadian 2nd division greatcoat *info needed*

    Post by CanadianBD Fri May 24, 2019 8:28 pm

    Hello everyone I was doing a little research on a ww2 Canadian Battledress that has come into my possession. I have a few questions about my greatcoat. If you guys have any feedback or information about ww2 greatcoats that would be greatly appreciated! I’ve been doing some research on my own, and was wondering why this greatcoat does not have the brass buttons typically found on Canadian greatcoats. I was also wondering what the inside bottoms were for? And this flap of material that is buttoned on the inside. It really makes me scratch my head... thanks in advance👍
    Ww2 Canadian 2nd division greatcoat *info needed* Img-9713
    Ww2 Canadian 2nd division greatcoat *info needed* Img-9715
    Ww2 Canadian 2nd division greatcoat *info needed* Img-9714
    New Member

    Posts : 15
    Join date : 2023-01-31
    Age : 54
    Location : Calais (France)

    Ww2 Canadian 2nd division greatcoat *info needed* Empty Re: Ww2 Canadian 2nd division greatcoat *info needed*

    Post by Nico62fr Tue Jan 31, 2023 2:33 pm

    Hello, I found the same brand of greatcoat (cook clothing) on the French web, with the same plastic buttons. It is dated 1945 but comes in size 6.
    As I am new on this forum, I think I can't post pictures for the moment.

      Current date/time is Thu Jan 16, 2025 9:47 pm