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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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2 posters

    WW2 Brigadiers Battledress

    BC Canada
    New Member

    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2019-06-02

    WW2 Brigadiers Battledress Empty WW2 Brigadiers Battledress

    Post by BC Canada Thu Jun 06, 2019 5:26 pm

    I recently Purchased a WW2 Brigadiers Battledress. it was listed as having a repair below the collar and needing gorget buttons so I purchased it for $251CAD shipping and all
    It came in the mail today and the back of the tunic looks like it was shot with birdshot for all the moth holes it has.

    Is it still worth keeping or should I return it

    WW2 Brigadiers Battledress Img_3314
    WW2 Brigadiers Battledress Img_3313
    WW2 Brigadiers Battledress Img_3315
    WW2 Brigadiers Battledress Img_3316
    WW2 Brigadiers Battledress Img_3317

    Posts : 113
    Join date : 2016-04-23

    WW2 Brigadiers Battledress Empty Re: WW2 Brigadiers Battledress

    Post by BAP Thu Jun 06, 2019 6:10 pm

    Return it, but I bet someone that didn't disclose the moths probably won't be up and up about giving you a refund. Get the money back first is all I'm saying. I'd also keep that baby away from any other wool uniforms you may could be still alive.

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:56 pm