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    WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help...

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    WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help... Empty WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help...

    Post by partisan Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:15 am

    a seller has this Battledress, found in Italy it is marked, but date is unreadble. In opinion can it be a www2 canadian B.D.

    WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help... 943816_1267270083302335_8342017610556646526_n

    WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help... 1916246_1272588572770486_541327755957927668_n

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    WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help... 12936713_1272588792770464_4606755853476368141_n

    Thank you very much in advanced


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    WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help... Empty Re: WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help...

    Post by Bill Sun Sep 18, 2016 5:30 am

    No, that bd is patched with post-war insignia. The SERVICE BATTALION strips were not worn until circa 1964.

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    WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help... Empty Re: WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help...

    Post by ypres Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:07 am

    I agree with Bill. Not WWII vintage in any way. While some WWII battledress had collars modified in this way, this type was manufactured like this. It is the 49 pattern.


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    WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help... Empty WII BD- OMG!!!

    Post by edstorey Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:22 am

    With all of the FREE information that is readily available on the internet is it that difficult for these wannabe 'I'll buy anything WWII but have no knowledge of what I am spending my money on' collectors to conduct a basic search and LEARN something on their own? The differences between the various types of BD has been well documented over the past 30 years so the differences are not a mystery. If a person can take the time to join a forum and post a question, then they should be able to conduct the most basic to answer this type of basic question.
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    WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help... Empty Re: WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help...

    Post by partisan Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:44 am

    Thank you very much guys... I take my money

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    WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help... Empty Re: WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help...

    Post by pylon1357 Wed Sep 28, 2016 7:24 am

    edstorey wrote:With all of the FREE information that is readily available on the internet is it that difficult for these wannabe 'I'll buy anything WWII but have no knowledge of what I am spending my money on' collectors to conduct a basic search and LEARN something on their own?   The differences between the various types of BD has been well documented over the past 30 years so the differences are not a mystery.   If a person can take the time to join a forum and post a question, then they should be able to conduct the most basic to answer this type of basic question.

    Ed, I was going to let this one slide but I cannot. I must first say that I am impressed at the OP for not ripping you a new one on this and taking the high road.

    Yes there is plenty of free information available out there. HOWEVER, if you don't know what your looking at, it is damned near impossible to gain any knowledge. Case in point, me with that tanned bush hat. I looked everywhere and couldn't identify it. WWII stuff is a little different I know and understand that.

    The best way in my opinion to learn is to ask questions. Lets be honest here, None of us are experts in everything, we all have questions, sometime what seems silly to one, is not to another. If one has no clue as to what they have, how do they know the site information they are reading is correct? That 49 tunic could be identified as a late or special purpose tunic on a couple of sites, and the purchaser gets stung big-time, why? Because the information he or she got was straight up wrong. The stripes IIRC are one piece post war. Cn't remember and can't see the photos while typing this reply.

    In short Ed, I understand your frustration but please check the attitude a bit better.

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    WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help... Empty Re: WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help...

    Post by partisan Wed Sep 28, 2016 8:44 am

    I agree, it's just my opinion too. Thanks pyton357


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    WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help... Empty Re: WW2 canadian Battledress? I need help...

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