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    West German or USA Stoner bayonet?

    New Member

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2016-08-14

    West German or USA Stoner bayonet? Empty West German or USA Stoner bayonet?

    Post by gimpycanuck Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:20 am

    Hello everyone. I come seeking information regarding a bayonet I purchased 10 years ago, however I never used it nor did I try to research it until recently. My problem is that the bayonet has no markings visible to the naked eye, and it comes with what looks like a M8A1 scabbard with a wire cutter. I have several pictures that I hope will provide a concrete answer to my question. My research has narrowed to the Stoner 63A1 Assault Rifle bayonet, I think they referred to it as a KCB 77LM1 Bayonet? Again my main worry is that this is a copy, although the quality, heft and feel makes me think genuine? I couldn't be sure due to lack of Arsenal or manufacturers mark. Possibly a prototype bayonet? I have run out of ideas at this point. Any help would be appreciated.

    West German or USA Stoner bayonet? Owb4w8Bl  West German or USA Stoner bayonet? DuRb8lrl  West German or USA Stoner bayonet? YDKHhWcl West German or USA Stoner bayonet? 378Peojl

    Posts : 127
    Join date : 2009-11-28

    West German or USA Stoner bayonet? Empty Re: West German or USA Stoner bayonet?

    Post by 37patt Wed Aug 09, 2023 12:47 pm

    I've seen that you got a pretty good reply on Gunboards with quite a bit of good information.
    Did you ever see this site -

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