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    1970s-1980s NBC Gear

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    Join date : 2022-09-22

    1970s-1980s NBC Gear Empty 1970s-1980s NBC Gear

    Post by Zvezda81 Wed Feb 14, 2024 4:08 am

    Hello! I'm curious about the correct contents for the C3 Carrier from the 70s-80s era. From what I gather there should be:

    -C3 Respirator (obviously)
    -Decontamination Mitt (2 of them or just 1?) - Replaced by Decontamination Lotion (When exactly? I have one dated 1990/Also how many carried, 1 or 2?)
    -Chemical Paper (2 Booklets correct?)
    -Nerve Vapour Detector (1 or 2? When were they introduced? I think in the 80s era)
    -Info Card (Any info?)
    -3 Auto Injectors (What type? US AtroPen, Or the larger ComboPen? I think Canada might have used the Astra instead?)

    Anything else? Dosimeter? Pills?

    Also another question, when was the NBC Suit "Bunny Suit" introduced? What was it's official designation?

    Thanks for any help you can provide!

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:19 pm