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    Canadian Fireflys

    Battalion Colours
    Battalion Colours

    Posts : 846
    Join date : 2009-11-26

    Canadian Fireflys Empty Canadian Fireflys

    Post by Battalion Colours Sat Nov 28, 2009 1:18 pm

    Canadian Fireflys 31942810

    Canadian 5th Armoured Division Firefly, Holland 1945.
    Notice the camouflaging effort to the barrel to conceal it's identity as a Firefly.

    Can someone provide me with a list of all Canadian units which were equipped with the Sherman Firelfy in WW II? Thank you.


    Posts : 236
    Join date : 2009-11-26
    Location : Edmonton, Alberta

    Canadian Fireflys Empty Canadain Fireflies

    Post by recceboy Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:45 am

    Most Canadian Armoured (TANK)units by the late fall 1944 to the end of the War were equipted with the Fireflies. One per troop, then later you could see upto 2 per troop.


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    Join date : 2009-11-28
    Age : 58
    Location : NB

    Canadian Fireflys Empty Re: Canadian Fireflys

    Post by Darrell Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:03 pm

    Hi Adam

    The tank you picture is from the 5th Armoured Regiment (better known as the 8th Princess Louise's (New Brunswick) Hussars) and was taken in Putten Holland in April 1945. The Regiment landed in Italy in Nov 43 and moved, with 5th Canadian Armoured Division, to North-West Europe in February 1945 and finished the war there.

    Of note is that although it is indeed a 17pdr armed Sherman Firefly, it is not a Sherman Ic (US M4) or Sherman Vc (US M4A4) (the two main marks with 17pdrs) but rather is a Sherman Hybrid Ic. This is determined by the rounded cast hull front whereas the two previously mentioned types had more angular edges to the glacis and hull fronts.

    I have seen pics of the following Canadian Armoured Regiments using 17pdr armed Shermans in both Italy and NW Europe.(in no particular order):

    1st Hussars
    8 PL(NB)H
    British Columbia Regiment
    Calgary Regiment
    Fort Garry Horse
    Governor General's Foot Guards
    Sherbrooke Fusiliers
    South Alberta Regiment

    I am sure that all the Armoured Regiments in the Canadian Army eventually had Fireflies in their holdings by war's end but do not have any specific information to confirm that.

    I too am to understand that eventualy there was at least one Firefly in every Troop of 3 tanks. Cdn Armoured Units in the UK began to get theirs as ealy as March/April 1944 and they were issued to Cdn Armd Units in Italy by Oct 1944.

    The camouflaging of the Sherman 17pdr barrels stems from the Germans recognizing them as the greater threat, as opposed to the 75mm gun Shermans, and always tried to knock them out first. Hanno Spoelstra's excellent Sherman Register site has a couple of extracts of wartime British instructions on how to camouflage 17pdr barrel:

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    Canadian Fireflys Empty Re: Canadian Fireflys

    Post by Canuck Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:05 am

    Here's one from the Three Rivers Regiment...

    Canadian Fireflys 3riverstank

    Posts : 320
    Join date : 2009-11-28
    Age : 58
    Location : NB

    Canadian Fireflys Empty Re: Canadian Fireflys

    Post by Darrell Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:03 am


    Add the Little Dumb Sh*t Heads :lol: to that list too:

    Canadian Fireflys A138042-v6
    Dutch women and children sitting on a Sherman VC Firefly tank of Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians)

    And the Scared Cat Regiment:

    Canadian Fireflys A183667-v6
    Troopers with a Sherman tank of the Ontario Regiment on a railway flatcar en route from Italy to Northwest Europe, Mouscron, Belgium, 24 March 1945. (L-R): Troopers E.D. Gyles, J.R. Simmons, A.J. Cartner, Harry Clark.

    And the Canadian Grenadier Guards (sorry, I have no humourous moniker for that Unit!):

    Canadian Fireflys A130911-v6
    A Sherman tank of The Canadian Grenadier Guards, Almelo, Netherlands, 5 April 1945.

    And the British Columbia Dragoons too:

    Canadian Fireflys A152489-v6
    Tank crews of The British Columbia Dragoons lined up in front of their Sherman tanks during a review by General H.D.G. Crerar followed by a mounted marchpast, Eelde, Netherlands, 23 May 1945

    Lovely resource that. :)


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