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    wanted RAF side cap and RCA side cap


    Posts : 48
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 64
    Location : hamilton ontario

    wanted RAF side cap and RCA side cap  Empty wanted RAF side cap and RCA side cap

    Post by frenchy Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:08 pm

    i am taking a chance here ,i am trying to do 2 projects ,one for a friend that need a RAF side cap so i can finish the little frame about her father who was in the raf in 1946-48 .And my second project is for me about my Dad who was at the Petawawa training camp during the war as a gunner in the royal canadian artilery he never went overseas but i was proud of him for doing what he could here with the war effort . So if someone have one of these or the 2 just pm me with your price and we can go from there . The side cap do not need to have the badge but it would be a must .

    Thanks in advance


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