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Canadian Military Collectors Forum

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    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals?

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    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? Empty 109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals?

    Post by custer1 Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:51 am

    Hello. I'm a new member and thought I'd share this with the forum.

    Jack James was born in Hamilton, Ont. and lived Sharon, PA. Appears that he went to Canada and "attested" on 26 Jul 1917. I acquired this tunic from his daughter (who lived in the Sharon PA area) in 1982.

    Refering to the UpClose #3 booklet "Khaki - Uniforms of the CEF" by Clive M Law, page 4 Figure 2, item B. I would identify this as the "Canadianised version of a British tunic" - it that correct?

    The medal on the tunic is a City of Sharon WWI Service Medal.

    I saw another thread in the Medals section about verifying the award of Brit War Medal and VM to CEF men. Can some provide more detail on the process for requesting MIC (medal index cards?)or the name of a modestly priced researcher who can do that?

    Thanks, JimB

    I hope these photos post.

    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? DSC04116

    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? DSC04117

    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? DSC04118

    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? DSC04119

    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? CEFDischargeJames600pix

    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? CEFDischargeJamesRev600pixels

    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? CEFJamesFarCertObv600pix
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    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? Empty Re: 109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals?

    Post by servicepub Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:23 am

    Medals were only sent out in the early 1920's. For more info on this guy try Arnie Kay at

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    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? Empty Re: 109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals?

    Post by custer1 Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:41 pm

    Thanks Clive, that is the type of direction I was hoping for.

    Regards, JimB
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    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? Empty rest of the story on the Jack James 109th CFC tunic

    Post by custer1 Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:13 pm

    When I acquired that tunic as a much younger collector in 1982, the lower part of left sleeve was terribly rotted, damaged, etc. The Farrier occupation/skill badge was OK.

    At about the same time, I acquired a British 5 button tunic of the same pattern. As fate would have it, the British tunic was moth blasted throughout, except for the left sleeve.

    So.... given that my grandmother was a very skilled seamtress, guess what I had done?

    Yep, put the British tunic left sleeve on this tunic and hence "restored" it. The stitching pattern on the Brit sleeve is identical, weight of the material is the same, the color of the replaced sleeve is a bit lighter than the original.

    The quality of work is fine, but for a little pucker within the horseshoe patch. Gram used modern thread of a slighly more bold green color. Not noticeable on the outside, but from the inside quite evident. And that is OK in my mind as it provides a clear "marker" of the replacement.

    The tunic presents well on display and color difference is not noticeable unless closely examined. However, I'm not sure if I would do the same thing at this point in life.

    I'm sharing this to get the general thoughts of fourm members on the "restoration story" and impact on the desirability and value of the tunic.

    I am planning to sell this, either here in the sales area or via ebay.

    Thanks for whatever input you may have, always fun to discuss such matters.

    Regards, JimB

    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? LeftShoulder

    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? Lowersleeve

    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? InsideSeam1

    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? InsideSeam2
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    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? Empty Re: 109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals?

    Post by custer1 Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:05 am

    Listed on ebay this a.m.

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    109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals? Empty Re: 109th CFC Service Dress Tunic; did he get his medals?

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